Till this day i can`t believe that your gone. i remember when you used to come over to the house with uncle Mario and we would talk for hours.would always admire how intelligent you are, every time we spent family time together we always learned so much from you.
oh my god, a loving, sweet, and caring women i will always remember you.
one thing i regret is not seeing more often as the years went by, i know you would be proud of me right now. thank you for being in my uncle Mario life.
i will never forget you.

Mommy as I sit here in tears a month later I can not believe that your gone. I miss you more and more each day.. I dont understand why this happened, and why it had to happen to you.. It is unfair and unjust. You are in my thoughts every minute of the day. You left behind me and you 10 year son. We were not ready to be without mother.. We still need you. Mommy I would pay anything to just hold once more, to kiss you, laugh with you and tell you how much I LOVE YOU.
I had no idea , that early saturday morning the 16th of February when I dropped you in the airport and said "goodbye" that it was goodbye forever.. Nor did I ever imagine that On Thursday the 21st of February was going to be the last time that I heard the soft and beautiful voice of yours on the telephone. We laughed and told each other how much we missed one another and that we would see each other the next day....
Mommy we never did see each other.. I waited with your Husband and Son for nearly two hours.. Little did I know that my wait for you had just begun... Mommy I will continue to wait because I no somehow, someday that we shall meet again. I will be waiting, even If I wait for the rest of my life. I love you and hope that you continue to watch over us. I feel so lost and empty without. Life doesnt feel the same.
I will hold you close to my heart forever more. You were my best friend, my sister, my #1 supporter, my backbone, my life... To know you was to Love. Your friendship was an inspiration and your love a blessing.. God's Greatest Gift returned to God...MY MOTHER

''May God bless and guide your family.

I pray that the Lord will accept you in his kingdom. May God bless and guide your family along the way.

My Lord be with you in peace

Too many memories to remember......the love and respect I had for this women goes beyond belief....she will be missed and will never forget her because of her I have a beautiful girlfriend who carries the same traits as her mother .....every time I look into her eyes I see her mother.........For that reason Ill hold and cherish her....to the family of the past......my love with deep graditude goes out to you and yours

Please know that others celebrate your life and have deep sympathy for your family at this time. You served the world in your profession as a nurse. Knowing others that I love who have diabetes, makes me sad that more progress in this field has not been made yet.With this, I praise your life, here on earth.

Wow, the beautiful photo of you in this profile - you eyes make me think of my family members. We have a few things in common. You have become my inspiration. I survived a midflight in December of 2007. No need to go into detail of what it was like, you've been there. And have gone on through to the other side. I hope it's everything you hoped it would be over there my Sister.
I am so sad that it has taken your passing for me to understand why I survived. I have stopped believing I survived my crisis solely because I had my own portable oxygen. After seeing your face over the last three days I realize I survived in order to educate as many people as I can on the "invisibility" that caused your death.
I say invisibility because I "get it". I "get it" that the professionals who were suppose to be looking after your safety could not see you. You, a middle aged woman of color, where Invisible to them. For what ever reasons, you were not on their "radar". I once asked a flight attendant why it was alright for the business men behind me to trample on my heals in order to get on the plane before I did. She scowled and informed me that those “business men” are their “Bread and Butter”. I will never fly with Alaska Airlines again.
It’s the major reason why I kept my mouth shut during and after my blood oxygen saturation dropped to 70% (-) mid air on my last flight. I had portable oxygen with me. I had to fight very hard to get permission to bring the machine. At 6 feet, I was invisible to the Pulmonologist that signed off on my traveling with it. He did not believe I needed it. Chastised me for asking to travel with such an expensive piece of equipment.
I was invisible to him.
There was no way I was going to say anything to the flight staff and have them dump me who knows where in a county ER alone, with no advocate. I was terrified.
Well I’m talking now. No more “shut mouth” my Sister and I thank YOU for helping me find my voice. There must be something I can do to draw attention to the role that “Invisibility” played in your death. I don’t know how I’ll do it. I do know it is connected to educating women about speaking up when it comes to our medical needs in public places. About us being advocates for each other also. I’m also drawn, by you, to educate people about making sure they have nothing going on that would make them need oxygen while flying. But please know though, what ever path I do take on this issue I will keep your name in my heart on my mind and on my lips.
Thank you Carine Desir.

My prayers and thoughts are with Carine's family at this time of grief. May she rest in peace.