I know your pain,I lost my beautiful daughter March 2006 .I run a child loss website and forum [free of cost] For more support please visit
Again I am so sorry.Your son is beautiful
Louise Lagerman

I"m sincerely sorry for our loss. My grandson was born April 21st, 2005 and passed away April 7, 2006. He too would be three years old right now. I miss him every day, I think about him every day and I love him more every day. My grand daughter was born and passed away in January of 2006 also. God has two of my little angels safe in his arms. They will never feel hurt, pain or unhappiness again. I hope for you all that you let your love for him carry you through life until you meet him again. Sincerest conolences and best wishes. God holds your little angel along with mine. They are happy and free, waiting until the time comes for you all to be together again.