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7 years ago

i can't believe i almost let this day go by. you are never far from my thoughts, sweet sharon. you were my friend before anything else. you taught me how to live life with laughter and abandon. you are a huge part of who i am today. i carry your heart in mine. i love and miss you so. your niece, marcia.

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8 years ago

happy 60th. you're still here

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10 years ago

Dreamed of you last night. In my dream, I got to hang out with you and share some precious time with you. In my dream, I told you that I would call you in the morning. It wasn't until I woke up that I realized that you were gone. I still can't believe it. I miss you so much. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for sharing in those special moments of my life. I love you my friend. I will never forget you!

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11 years ago

Frall, You're still in my dreams. Always sweet, affirming, loving. You seem to be there for both happy and sad occasions. What is very interesting is that you never stay long, and you never allow me to go with you. It's not my time. Celebrated my birthday last week. It was so fun! While sitting at dinner with the family, it hit me very hard that you were not there. I wanted to cry, but had to remind myself to be grateful for being blessed to see another year...that momma is still here. Bun, Joe, Tommy and the rest of the family are still here. God is so good and so very kind. The dream that I had before you died is so true. Can't see you but I still hear your voice, and you are right here in my heart.<br /><br /> Loving you and missing you forever! I will never forget, Frall. Never!!! Bab

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11 years ago

My Dear Frall, This year, Bun, Mom and I will not be able to get together to celebrate your life, but you will still be remembered. Somehow, you will be remembered...every day, at every celebration, and event...even when there is nothing symbolic (that others can see) and there are no words. You will always be remembered. The reasons are numerous. No explanation needed. Frall, we miss you sooooo much. I miss you like crazy!! So happy that you are resting now. Four years later...still remember so many things, like your gentle kiss on my neck and your words of love. That crisp, beautiful spring day in April 2009, when you made your transition. God was so kind and gracious to allow us to be with you. Still remember your voice, your smile, your zany sense of humor, your laughter, your encouragement and instructions to me, your compassion, wisdom, and even the fragrances that you wore. How can we forget your wig, your purse (the huge black coach bag)??? Giggle!!! Can hear you saying: "Baaaaaab!!! Cut it out!!" Remembering doesn't necessarily mean sadness. It just means, thinking of you, remembering the best of all that we shared. Celebrating that you were here in body and that your spirit lives on. Your memory lives on. As we celebrate your memory, I will listen to one of our favorite songs and smile, dance, rejoice and thank our Heavenly Father for His loving kindness in allowing us 50 abundantly blessed years together. Frall, until heaven, I will see you in my dreams. It is one of the ways in which God comforts me. He's still good!!! But you already know that. Loving you for always, Bab

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

well frally...four years ago today was the last time i saw you in this life. today is one of those days when we sure could use a strong dose of your no-nonsense advice. i miss you so much sometimes that it's hard to breathe. but as the song is saying even now, i will wait on the Lord; i just wish you were here. love you, auntie sharon. love cia

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12 years ago

there's little more to say, auntie frally...still seems unreal. your number is still in my phone. i know it's not yours anymore...nor are you even remotely focused on anything that happens down're in the arms of your Savior, right where you belong. i love you. nobody made me laugh, cry, love, or grow up like you did. thank you for you. love princess moonbeam :)

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Kahmali Cole
12 years ago

I was talking to Sandrea yesterday, can you believe she and Damon are seniors, you would be so proud of them. I miss you. I just wanted to let you know that I am so glad that I had the privilege to know you. Please continue to watch over them, they ate really going to need it. Love Kahmali

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12 years ago

it's hard to believe that it's been nearly 3 years now. i miss you so, sweet will be so good to see you again... love cia

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13 years ago

Sharon, I thank God for your time here on earth and your gentle, giving, loving, selfless spirit. You have truly been such a special friend and sister to me. I know your star is shining so bright in heaven and looking over all of us here on this earth. I think of you so often and just smile........I look forward to the day when we meet in our heavenly home once I have finished God's work here on earth. God is so good and I feel so blessed to have such a true and wonderful friend in you. Missing you always. Love

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John A.
14 years ago

I think of you when I need someone to talk to. As you know we could talk about anything. Mom passed away 12/5/10. I thought if you were still here you would be right by my side during this trying time in my life. You really loved my mother and you understood why I loved her so much. I thought of what it would be like if you were still here. I will never forget how you filled an empty space in my heart. I thank God for the time we had together. Since hell is not an option for me I will see you again one day.

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14 years ago

Dear Bro. John, so sorry to hear about your precious, godly, mother. You are correct. Sharon would have been right by your side. That was her. So sorry that we could not be there to support you in her absence. May the Lord continue to comfort you and keep your heart in the midst of a very difficult time. With love, Pastor Tom and Karen

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14 years ago

I sent a balloon towards heaven to celebrate your life and to serve as a reminder that we will never forget you. Miss you so much. So very grateful to have been loved so unconditionally by you. Your love continues to bless my life. God continues to be our refuge and strength in the midst of it all. Keep dancing before the throne until we are able to join you. On that great day...there will be no more tears. Just unspeakable joy!!! Remembering my beloved Frall with love, "Bab"

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14 years ago

This has been one of those...I just want my sister, Sharon ("Frall") days. It is now beyond my desire or ability to try to get others to understand how it feels to lose such a precious sister. God is forever faithful. He is yet sending love and encouragement. Everytime I am ill and have been hospitalized, my heart pounds as I try to muster the strength to thank God that my life was blessed for 50 years with you unwavering love and support. So...even though I just want my sister today, we continue to celebrate what we had and what we will yet have in eternity. My sights are set on heaven. I will meet you there--when my assignment here in complete.

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14 years ago

i heard a song that simply said "give me those moments back". while i know that God has a plan and a purpose, i must confess that sometimes i find myself wanting to go back in time just to have one more day with you...but i know that one day will not be enough. so i will wait until the day i truly will see you again. love, cia

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Charis Harris
14 years ago

I have so many wonderful memories of Sharon. So many things I wish I could talk to her about. I tried to write on April 2, but it was just too painful for me at that time. I know Sharon would not want me to be sad so I am trying my best to keep a smile on my face as I remember Sharon and all the love she gave to so many. She is healded and she is rejoicing. Praise the Lord!

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14 years ago

One year ago today heaven gained another angel. We miss you like crazy. Today, Karen and I did something special today. We know if Sharon were still here she would have been with us. Missing you and knowing you are resting in the Lord. Love forever, Big Sis, Bun

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14 years ago

one year has passed. it never gets easier...but God's grace continues to multiply. i rest in that today. i miss you frally. love princess moonbeam :)

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Shawquista Patrick
15 years ago

Well i remember years ago at NorthSide Church of God at Bible study Sis.Sharon passed me a note.With words of encoregment and a 20 dollor bill. now how did she now that I did not have a drop of gas in my car .but I had made it to Bible study. and God had his Angel there waitin on me(tears) she was an Angel then and she is an Angel now i miss you and love you. Sis.Kathie's daughter Shawquista 4-ever in our hearts

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15 years ago

Shawquista, thanks so much for sharing. Sharon loved young people and she loved you. She would desire for you to continue to follow and serve God with all that is within you and to fulfill the destiny that God has designed for you. We love your mom and your family. God bless you and your family. With love, The Jackson Family

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15 years ago

Memories are so important. I am remembering that this time last year Sharon was still with us. She wasn't feeling the best but she was still cheerful and joined in the Christmas family festivities. She is so very much missed from our gatherings. She will never be out of our thoughts. When I become over whelmed, I cry out to God. He alone knows how much Sharon is missed by all of us. She is spending Christmas with Jesus this year. It is heaven's gain. Praise God for our sister, confidante and friend. I will love you forever. Bun Dec. 21,2009

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15 years ago

I still find it difficult to get my arms around the fact that this time last year, I was sitting next to you at the Thanksgiving dinner table. You looked so good. you were your normal soft-spoken, yet still hilarious self. When I think of the things for which I am thankful, your presence in my life will be one of those things. You might have been my aunt, but you were also my sister, my confidante and my friend. While I miss you beyond comprehension, it's a comfort to know that you are resting in the arms of your Heavenly Father. It's my desire to live for the Lord not only to rejoice with Him in eternity, but to see you again as well. Thank you for your example and strength, Frall. You are truly one of a kind. love, cia

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Tiffany Scott
15 years ago

Days like today, I would go to my phone and find a message from Sis. Sharon. I can still hear her say "Sister Tiff, watch what God is going to do!" Missing her dearly, but praising God for her rest. Sis. Tiff

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

It's not birthdays or holidays when I miss Frally. I feel her absence when Ive had a Spritual Breakthrough, have done something totally stupid (smile), or have new "Little Man" or Hannah and Courtney stories. There are times when I just shake my head in disbelief that she is not just a phone call away. My heart breaks all over again. BUT! I know that God is faithful. He promised that He would heal her and He did just that! See you on the other side Frall! Love you more every single day! Margie

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15 years ago

I have tried to close my eyes and imagine you dancing and worshiping God in heaven. That image helps my heart in those moments when your absence can be felt and heard by the deafening silence left by what would have been laughter and the abudant joy that you possessed. This year, there are no cards to buy for you, no cake to bake, no thunderous laughter from celebrating with you. Just silence and deep gratitude that you accomplished your greatest make it to your eternal home, heaven! least I can say congratulations on your first birthday in heaven. God's grace has helped us to make it through the day, even as we remembered you and silently wished that we could have had one more birthday to share with you. Lovingly you always, Bab

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stephanie goods
15 years ago

sharon was a joy. I enjoyed sharing my birthday w/ her. I always wanted to call her first,because she always changed her voice like she was someone else and she was good. after much laughter we always Praise God for such a gift. Happy Birthday my Friend.

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15 years ago

Hi Stephy, Thanks for sharing your thoughts. As we approach your birthday, please know that we not only continue to celebrate Sharon's life, we celebrate yours as well. Have a wonderful birthday. While we are thinking about Sharon, we will think about you as well. Wishing you many blessed years to come. Karen Rose

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Frances Starks
15 years ago

God truly blessed our family when He gave us our sweet cousin Sharon. I know that you are at Our Fathers' feet and joyously praising Him. Thank you for your gift to me and for interceding in my behalf. I shall alway know that I have an angel in heaven waiting for me. I look forward, as you did, to meeting our Precious Father and Saviour. Know that Margaret, Karen, Bunny and Joe will be kept close to my heart and can count on Jack and I always. Love, Always, Frances

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Margaret Jackson
15 years ago

The joy of the Lord is my strength. The love that we had is the love that lasts forever. Love, Ma

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15 years ago

Sharon was loved by all our family. We shared many happy times. Our trip to New York stands out as a high point in our travels. She spend Christmas with us in our new home Dec. 2008. We had a precious time. God will heal our hearts. I am so grateful that Sharon was in my life and that she remains in my heart forever. Big Sis Bun

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Theresa Riley
15 years ago

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Theresa Riley
15 years ago

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

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Carol Wooten McDaniel
15 years ago

I love this picture!

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

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Carol Wooten McDaniel
15 years ago

Go on little Diva!

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

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Charis Harris
15 years ago

Oh my gosh, this is so precious. I love it! Charis

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Carol Wooten McDaniel
15 years ago

Too cute! All three of you guys are simply adorable.

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

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Margaret Howell
15 years ago

Sharon was so many things to me throughout the different times of my life. When I was younger, she was my auntie. When I was a young adult, she was a sister. Sharon later became my girlfriend and confidante. She had so much wisdom and joy in her life. Even when she was going through, she could muster up a smile, a silly story, and words that could inspire you to go on. If I didn't have a loving Father in Heaven, I wouldn't be able to even write this. Sharon taught me how to praise through the pain and wait on God. I thank God for allowing me to have the precious memories I had with Sharon. I will always be thankful for what she became to my husband and daughters. She impacted us all. I love you Frall! I miss you so much! Love always, Margie

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15 years ago

Margie, Your thoughts are so honest and special. What is so great is that we each share many of the same memories, and yet, for each of us, they are very personal and comforting. Continue the journey. Sharon is in that "great cloud of witnesses" cheering us on. Your loving family

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Charis Harris
15 years ago

My girl Sharon was simple the best. I knew Sharon from my early years in Chicago growing up in Morgan Park Church of God. It was particularly in my pre teen and teenage years she took me under her wings and was my mentor, "big sister" and friend. Sharon and I stayed in touch through out the years. She lived life to the fullest with so much zeal, joy and laughter. Sharon had a special way in letting you know you were loved. Sharon loved the Lord and she spoke of His love often to me and so many others. I thank God for the life of Sharon, she was truely a tremendous gift in my life! Love Always Charis Harris (Reesie)

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The Jackson Family
15 years ago

Charis, Sharon loved you dearly. Some of the best years of her life were spent mentoring the youth at Morgan Park Church of God. She was fun, witty and indeed, she loved the Lord with all of her heart. It was such a joy to see you at her homegoing service. Thank you for coming, and thank you for loving Sharon. We love you too, and pray God's choice blessings upon your life now, and always. With love, The Jackson Family

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15 years ago

Sharon ("Frall") was my sister, friend, confidant and more. She walked me home from kindergarten, even though I wore the mat that I took naps on around my neck like a mink stole. How embarassing! She was there when I had my first date. She was there when I married the love of my life. She was there twenty-five years later when we renewed our covenant of love, though she hated walking down the isle. She was there many times when I was ill, comforting, advising and threatening me. And likewise, if I thought that she wanted or needed anything, and it was humanly possible to get it or do it, she knew that it was a done deal! What matters most, is the love and joy that you brought to each of our lives, that is what we chose to remember. I will miss my Frall forever, but as long as I am alive, she will forever be in my heart. And one day, we will be together forever! With unending love, Your Baby, "Babo" (Karen Rose)

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Ona Adair
15 years ago

Hi Sister Karen, How beautiful. I feel for you in your loss. I am sorry I didn't get to know her better, and to see you interact with her. I thank God that you have the hope that you will be together again, never to be separated by death. God bless you and your family.

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

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Carol Wooten McDaniel
15 years ago

Sharon looks like she's ready to take on the world!

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

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Carol Wooten McDaniel
15 years ago

Could this be the halls of my alma mater and current workplace? MPHS Class of 1976 (same as Karen)

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15 years ago

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