My mummy was possibly one of the best ever, she taught me all the things a person should be taught -and all of this whilst fighting the battle of her life. She taught me to never give up, to make the most of what you have, to always try and find something positive in life (hey, you're breathing and reading this!), to never be selfish, always give more than you take and most of all she taught me how to love. I probably don't remember Mum like most other people do, but I remember reading a book just shortly after mumma died about a mother who died of the same thing, and she was wearing a sapphire gown -which was Mum's favourite colour. Everything happens for a reason and though we may not know why on earth Mum had to be given such a horrible illness -she inspired us through everything. So thank you Mum, "I’ll love you forever, I’ ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be” Your first baby, Isabella
Hi, My name is Lesley and i was a close friend to Gina, It broke my heart to find out Gina lost her long battle with cancer, i owe Gina so much as she made me go and get my lumps checked and yes it was cancer, she made be insist on getting the right treatment, and yes i feel i owe her my life. She was my inspiration, i miss our telephone conversations and laughter. I hope the kids are well and the rest of her family, i just wanted to say thank you Gina your alway's in my thoughts every day. It was my pleasure knowing you. Regards Lesley
So very very sorry, i will miss Gina's phone calls and laughter. i have so much respect for Gina and hr courage was amazing. I owe Gina so much she made me go to he Dr and i was diagnosed with the same illness. my best regards and love to her children and to all who love her.
Farewell and God Bless Gina xxx