Not a day or night goes by as i think of you i can feel you near me but i cant see you because i know you are there if i had one wish it would be to see you and give youa hug and kiss to tell you how i miss u .

You come and go
but i will never forget
pictures i see of your face
that i will never forget
now theres this tear going down my cheek
its hard to believe you left too soon
i wish there is a way to get you back
but i dont want it to be too late to get you back
i guess time does go by fast as they say
there is one last thing i want to say
i will never forget
APRIL 4, 1979 - JANUARY 22, 2008

heath was a awsome actor and loved all his work. he will be greatly missed. my heart goes to his family and to his daughter, her mother as well
see ya on the other side heath!!!

Wow . You were and still are my favorite actor .
You have this rockin smile I love so much . It sucks that I wont see you in anymore movies . I bet your daughter misses you so much . I've never met you before , although that would be a dream come true . But I really wish I knew why you chose to do the things you did that led you to your death.. I understand that people go through things and they feel like no one knows how they feel..but there was people you coud've talked to..people that I'm sure really really cared about you . But nothing I say now can change anything that has already been done . But I just wanna let you know you still aspire me to become the actress I wanna become :)
I wish we could've met .
Hope heavens great ,
- Makenzie (:

( 14 hours ago)
Miss & love you so much

( 6 days ago)
Miss & love you so much,congratulations on you GOLDEN GLOBE, it's ashame it came too late, we all know you earned this award in Brokeback Mountain but unfortunately nobody appreciated your talent then. Your performance in the Dark Night was absolute RIPPER, your voice, amazing how you changed it, HOW ABOUT A MAGIC TRICK....IM GONNA MAKE THIS PENCIL DISSAPEARR...TADDAAAAA.....IT'SSSS AHHH IT'SSSS GONE. Only you know how much i love & miss you and i know you are still around.

HEY BABE ( 1 day ago)
It will be 1 HORRIBLE YEAR SINCE YOU LEFT & I am doing a count down as the hours of your passing away is getting closer. My heart is getting heavier and my mind is all over & everywhere in the universe searching for spiritual plane .I know you are not gone, just bcos i can't see you doesn't mean you not here, forgive me darling i am only a human at the moment & bcos of that emotion my knowledge doesn't fire and emotions seems to run wild and i 4get you are with us all, cos our soul is eternal & is not bound by time and space and you are everywhere. I cannot wait to see you again, you have helped me overcome my fear of death so darling i carry your heart in my heart , i fear nothing cos YOU ARE WITH ME ALWAYS .You made me understand spirituality & have shown me the truth i've been seeking for all my life. The candle i started burning in your name a year ago is still burning everyday i never forget. You have taught me so much, how material things are all illusion and spirituality and death is reality, death is only a beginning of a great adventure, we'll you better be there to show me but not before a bong or 2. Hey i miss you so much, it's frustrating to be bound on earthly plane bcos of our responsibility.My time is not done yet or i'd be there with you know that, until than yeah have to do what we have to do, everyday human rituals, sleep, wake up, shower, cook, clean pay bills, work, shop and same thing everyday and everyday and everyday and it's so boring. Well i love you and miss you and will see you in my dreams.So darling nighty night.

On the one year anniversary of your passing it doesn't seem to hurt any less. We lost our James Dean (you had way more talent). My heart to your family, friends, but most of all Matilda.

He projected great sensibility. I identified with him because every film helped us think profoundly on his character and there was a hidden message in it. Also because he had the ability to be childlish, mature, profound, romantic, sensitive. We will always miss him and remember him. I wished his spirit could perceive his legacy and his post-mortem achievements. May God bless him.
Zoe-Puerto Rico


Heath Ledger Was A Great Actor . i Completely Adore Him . He Was So Unique As a Person . You See Yound Hollywood Today And They Are All The Same . Same Clothes, Same Attitude , And Same Problems . But Heath Was So Different . He Didnt Like the Spotlight Like The Others . He Was A Painfully Shy Person , And i Find that Amazingly Refreshing . It Was A Huge Loss To Hollywood . Yes , i Know He Was Taking Medications That Werent His Or Was Suppous To Be Mixed Together, But He Was Sick , And Couldnt Sleep And Was Having Alot of Anxiety . He Had Alot To Live For . His Daughter For One . He Adored Her And Would Never Kill Himself Knowing That He Was Leaving Her Behind .
I Love Him .
I Miss Him .
And He Is My Hero .

It's almost a year without you and the world is not the same. I really hope you are watching over all of us who love you very much. I still cry and don't understand why you had to leave us so soon. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS HEATH. I'm so happy you won a golden globe I just wish you were there to experience that with all of us who are always cheering for you. I will never forget you.

miss you,love you,beautiful soul,be happy heath wherever u may be xxx

Heath's passing has inspired me to follow my own dreams. Lately, whenever he's won an award, I just cry.

hey, Heath! You really deserved the golden globe! You will never be forgotten! we love you!

I felt very happy with his successes . And today, I feel so sad for not having him here with us more . In Portuguese it says: "Saudade". A desire by the presence of someone who is not more . Heath, you will always forever be in my prayers!
A big hug for his family!

A hug for his family, and that his soul is in piece.
By: Lucas Rock.

I'm from Brazil. So far ...
Always admired his work and feel much the way he died. I feel like I have lost a brother. He is missing ....
I leave a big hug for his family.

he was one of the most spectacular actors in the world. I never personally knew him but my prayers go out to him and his family this new year without him. I wish the best for them.
thanks for everything Heath.


I miss the pasion of your acting. My heart aches for the loss of you. Your 1st aniversary is coming up and i will say a prayer for you Heath

I´m a fan of this great actor, but he´s a LOSER in life!! All of us are challenged everyday by life situations, and we are brave enough to keep ourselves alive!! --> The reallity... no one wants to accept .... he took several dangerous drugs (including morphine derivates) at once, what was he expecting? --> INOCENT people are dying on PALESTIN and no one cares! FAKE WORLD, I hate you!

lindo demais!!!!!!!!!!!!

we miss you, heath ledger.
you will always be unforgettable!
thank you for everything...

Heath, I'll neverforget you... Your stare and your smile... I'll love you forever and more!!

Hi there babe, watched two of your movies today for x-mas, NED KELLY AND THE DARK KNIGHT, love you and miss you.

I don't have too much to say...Everyone knew how good actor he was...and I'm so sure he was as good person as he was a good actor. I think that's why we still came here… Because we can't let Heath's memory be forgotten...And I think that everyone that writes here agrees with me, because Heath deserves to be remembered...
Heath...wherever you are I just want to say... thanks for having been yourself … that wonderful person we all saw...You had a dream... and you followed it...and went to America...I also have a dream.. and every time I’m giving up I remember you...and I get stronger and stronger, and I feel like no one can turn me down, and for that I thank you, for give me the strength I need to continue.
I promise I'll always remember you and I won’t let anyone forget you, because you’re like a legend.
Thank you Heath…Thank you for everything you left us.
Thank you in the name of all fans in my country, Thank you in the name of Portugal and the Portuguese fans
...Thank You… (or as we say)
* …You’re Immortal … *

Here is the deepest secret that nobody knows, here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life, which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart, I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart). I am never without it, anywhere I go you go my darling.And whatever is done only by me is your doing my love.I FEAR NOTHING, cos I know you are with me where ever I go. LOVE YOU

Hello sweetheart 11 miserable months have past 2 the day since you left, its so so sad, theres emptiness in my heart, how i wish you were still here, miss you and love you, can't wait to be with you.

Hello sweetheart 11 miserable months have past 2 the day since you left, its so so sad, theres emptiness in my heart, how i wish you were still here, it still feels like as if it was yesterday when you left us, the pain of losing you is so fresh,miss you and love you, can't wait to be with you.


How can one express in mere words how this Wonderful Man is missed. I can't watch a movie he starred in without weeping at the loss. He was Talented, He was Beautiful, He was Gold.
I still feel anger at the Mother of his child. She hypes about grief but I don't think she even cares...His poor daughter having her for a mother is enough to make me shake with rage.

Through the Christmas holidays I will remember Heath for the wonderful actor he was. I will pray for him and to him. I miss him so much and will love him always. I hope Little Matilda can remember the stuffed animal he bought for her last Christmas and she use to sit on it and watch tv. what a beautiful sight that must have been. Heath goes with me everywhere I go and I know he is in Heaven looking down on all those that love him still. Have a glorious Christmas Heath and may you find the peace you are so deserving of.

it is amazing to me that people always speak so positively about him. what a reflection of the man he was. we all have demons, but, his short life was full of so much for us to draw on and remember him by. he deserves to win awards for his portrayal of the joker. he was the joker. I hope that michelle will be there to accept on his behalf. the rest of us will have to be happy enjoying the movies he left behind for us. congrats heath. you deserve all of the accolaides. rest in peace.


I have been watching great actors since 1936 when I was four years old. I think Heath Ledger was the greatest. I have all his movies and watch them often. His smile will never be forgotten. If Hollywood did a remake of Wuthering Heights, Heath wood have made a great Heathcliff. Rest in peace dear Heath.

Your comment was lovely, I view him the same way what an amazing actor! He hooked me in 10 things I hate about you - my teenage daughters favorite movie at that time. May God bless him and keep him as an angel Maria

Hello sweetheart 10 miserable months have past 2 the day since you left, its so so sad, theirs emptiness in my heart, how i wish you were still here, miss you and love you, can't wait to be with you.

It was such a shock when I heard about Heath's death. His memory will live on in those who love him as I do and the rest of you that love and miss him. His family must be really heart broken over his death. I often wonder what happened to his personal belongings. All his skate boards, the piano in his apt., his clothes, jewelry, his SUV etc. He used to also write poetry and do photography. He was so talented. He had such a bright future ahead of him. His loss is sometimes to much for me to bear. I miss him so much but I do have all his movies (15) that I love to watch. I can still see him standing at the door in the trailor of Brokeback Mountain, so alone then in that scene and it still brings tears to my eyes because that is the way he died, alone and lonely. Such a great man. He was one in a million and no one will ever take his place. NO ONE. It's probably true Heath would not want us all to grieve and cry over him, but how can you not. True love never dies, it just fades away and the love I will always have for him will never die. I just hope the pain of loosing him grows easier for me and those who truly loved him. RIP

Even though he died at a young age; he still will be remember as a great actor. My first picuture I seen Health act in was 10 Things I hated about You; I was blown away- I didn't know his name, but at the end when it show all the credits- I look at his name "Heath Ledger" . So I watch the movies I could get my hand on-from Monster Ball-to the best movie he made in history-"Dark Knight" - I'm not a Batman fan-but Health "Congratualations" I was so thrill to see that movie, I was more amaze about your performance than Batman. It's sad to see you go. His ex-wife I watch on Dawson Creek and she is a great actress and Health and Jen you two have a beautiful daughter. Health I'm postive Jen will tell your daughter how great you were and how much you love them. I wish the family the best- and I hope you all can get through this

Already 10 months since you died and I can't seem to accept it, as I think about it every day. You are greatly missed but will never be forgotten.
I hope I will see you in another life

I loved Heaths performance in the patriot.Even though its an old movie,he did an amazing job.He was a fantasic actor and i will always remember.He was so handsome and had the cutest smile.I was shoked when i found out he was dead,especially at 28 years old.Rest In Peice Heath......we will always miss you,and remember you.

heath was a great actor and this is coming from a 13 year old that watches TV 24/7 lol

Love always Heath...
Bless your beatiful daughter, Matilda, a painful yet wonderful reminder of your presence with us...

Love always Heath... Bless your beautiful daughter, Matilda, a painful yet wonderful reminder of your presence with us...

When I think of Heath Ledger, I see that iconic image from Brokeback Mountain wnere he is standing up and fireworks are exploding in the background. It is so beautiful and powerful.

we miss you, we love you.
you were close to us, and you were a great man.
we love you babe.
be good up there.

I just fell in love with your performance in playing the role of The caught me deep in my soul, and I could not be untouched..even if stupid, my Halloween will celebrate your deeds by my attempt to become your best character ever interpreted.. THANK YOU LEDGER..

thenking off you as alwees

you are rite no name, I was one of Heath frend and as sad as losing him is , he wood not wont us to be misibol and so sad like we have been , but we love and miss him it is hard not to be sad, he was a gerat man and i will alwes love and miss him . I LOVE YOU HEATH LOVE CARRIE

If you read anything about Heath Ledger, or watch the tributes to get a sense of him, or interviews.... these memories you all have or thoughts, are not really what I believe he was about. Its nice of you to feel these things, but really he is dead. He would've wanted you to buy his movies, for Matilda, to remember him fondly but . not to obsees and constantly write to his memorial page ..... dead people want the living to move on. There is no other choice. So , come on now, Anisha, etc...... move on, go one. Heath probably loved life, being remembered is great, but , don't over exaggerate someone who didn't like that in life, much less in death.......

I now know the feeling of true love. Heath has touched my heart in such a way that I can not explain. I walk, talk, sleep and eat thinking about him. His memory will live on forever in my heart, body and soul. I worshiped the ground that man walked on. There will never be another like him. His smile was so captivating. Everything about him was great. I just don't understand how Michelle could have asked him to leave. He died alone and lonely. Here was such a famous man that had it all but wanted more and turned to drugs to find it and gave his life for it. Why didn't someone near and dear to him see what was happening. Why didn't someone try to get him help? I would have done anything I could have to have saved him. Now at this point in my life, I would have given my life to save his. The love I have for him is the love a mother would feel for her son. I would have helped him no matter what it took. If it would have taken my last penny, I would have helped him. I will love Heath till the day I die and then beyond that. RIP Son.

My love is still growing for you more and more each day. I love you like a mother would love her son and grieve for you like a mother who has lost her only son. No one knows the grief I feel over your loss. I watch your movies but I loose track of the movie because I only concentrate on you. Your beautiful face and smile. Your beautiful eyes and strong face. You was surely an angle when you was here on earth. Your memory is so strong in my heart, mind body and soul. At this moment I would give my very life to bring you back to Mitalda, your beautiful daughter and your memory will live on in her. Thank God for that and for allowing your heart to reach out and touch mine. You are with me everywhere I go and every thing I do. I wish I knew more about you then I do. Rest in peace. love u always
16 years agoO,My Heath I miss you Heath .....R.I.P are HERO......!!