Hi precious Princess i miss you so much

Stay in peace little angel,know that mommy will always love and miss you.I think about you everyday.God bless your beautiful soul.Mommy will see you someday.Love you baby Bella


Hi precious,just let you know that i had another dream about you this monday February 18 2013.You were so Beautiful always smiling with that gorgeous smile,i miss you so much precious little girl of mine.I wish i could see you more in my dreams.Love you so much

Today 8 years without you here baby girl,we miss you so much.Today is the saddest day of my life i lost part of me i lost my sweet and beautiful child IsaBella.Always and forever in my heart mind and soul

Good morning sweetie!Hows mom's baby girl doing? thinking of you all the time and missing you like crasy,i wish you were here with mommy.Love you with all my heart and soul.

Thinking of you sweet child of mine,you 're on my mind everyday and always will,i think about you so much and wish you were here.God bless your precious soul,my loving and precious child i will see you someday.Love you so much

Beautiful IsaBella, forever loved and missed. This is a beautiful tribute to your precious daughter.~♥♥♥~

In my heart forever

Linda Bella saudade eterna

Thinking of my baby Bella i miss her more everyday,i miss her beautiful smiling face,she had the mosr beautiful smile ever.Sending you sweeti pie a big hug and kiss to Heaven above...misssing my precious child

Hi precious! Hows my baby doing?Missing you like crazy

Thinking of my precious little girl today more than ever.I miss you sweet child,i wish you were here with mom,please i need see you in my dreams more oftan.Love you so much baby Bella

Just thinking about you more than ever and missing you alot

Sending love hugs and kisses to Heaven!

Ho baby,missing you daily and love you dearly!

Hi precious,just want to let you know that i love you more than ever,missing you so much,sending hugs love and kisses to you

Sending you hugs and kisses

Hi bebe i miss you so much

Love you so much

Missing you so much

Hello my baby Bella,hows my baby doing? ehinking of you so much,i miss you my darling how i wish you were here just me you and God knows.Sending you a lots of kisses and hugs to Heaven above

Always and forever in our hearts

Today tomorrow and forever

Onde andas princesa,saudade de minha linda princesinha,venha mais em meus sonhos preciso ver seu rostinho lindo e falar com vc,por favor Bellinha porque vc nao vem mais em meus sonhos? me responda venha o mais rapido possivel em meus sonhos quero lhe dar um beijo e um abraco bem apertado.Sinto tanto a sua falta filha querida,mamae lhe ama muito.

Minha IsaBella,IsaBellinha,IsaBebellinha,Bella,BeBella,BeBellinha,Bellinha all aways you are missed loved and remembered forever.

Hi sweetie,i miss you so,not a day that you are not on my mind,thinking of you everyday and miss you desperadely,love you more than you knew.Love you baby girl forever

Thinking of you today and always precious baby Bella,you are in our hearts and on our mind every single day,we will never forget your precious and gorgeous smiling face,our life changed forever.Stay in peace dearheart.

In Loving Memory of my precious and beautiful child IsaBella,i miss her more than ever everyday,she is forever on my mind and in my heart

I miss you precious little baby Bella,i miss you dealy thinking of you and keeping you in my heart forever,untill one precious and sweet day see you again in Heaven
I love you my baby Bella....

Thnking of you baby Bella as always and miss you so much

Love you sunshine

Hello my sweet darling Angel,thinking of you a lot,and miss you so bad sending kisses and hugs to Heaven

I think of you constantly always on my mind, missing you like crasy

Good night my beautiful angel

I miss you so much

Sleep in Heavenly Peace sweet child

I had another dream about you last night you came in my dream,you were about 2years old age,I was so happy to see you oh how I miss you just God and knows,you were so cute and beautiful i miss my baby girl so much.I wonder if you can see me and how I miss you everyday,I still can't believe you are gone,it is a bad dream,I wish awake up and see you close to me.Love you forever.This was the 20th dream that I have about you baby girl.Please I need see you more,mom misses you everyday

Love you love you love you baby girl

Sweet dreams mom will see you in my dreams

Dear God how happy you must be,you have my precious daughter that you just took from me.God who are in Heaven please give my baby Bella a message for me.Tell her that i miss her so much down here and to come and visit me

Good night sweetheart

Beautiful Angel

We miss you more everyday,please show Mom that you are ok.We think about you lil sis and keep you in our hearts and your precious and beautiful memories we all treasured inside of our hearts

Miss you sooooo much