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11 years ago

Yesterday made 4 years for us and we went to mass in the morning for you and Lolo Pitong...when your siblings and cousins came to hug me goodbye as they left for school, it tore me up even more. I hugged each and everyone of them so tight and didn't want to let go. The little things like that, made me think of how much I missed hugging you and hearing your voice. Sometimes its so hard just to look at them smiling , laughing and playing, because physically you are not there with us. Jaena, we miss you everyday and I can't wait to see you again baby girl. I love you all the way to heaven, our precious angel!

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12 years ago

that i was hanging out with you in your t-ball uniform and sitting you at your house with baby marsh and xiara. not a day goes by that i dont think of you...and every time i see a butterfly i like to think that maybe it's you and you're saying hi.. we love you...

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The other day was Spring Picture Day at school....Janessa offered to curl Pups hair and get her ready the night before. Clothes picked out the night before and up early to do Pups hair. I really didn't think much of it - and then it dawned on me...I'm back to 3 years ago when you had asked me the night before Spring Pictures if I'd curl your hair as well. Clothes picked out and ready for the next day. You said, "Mommy, can you fix my hair tomorrow?" My response, "Yes Nen, but we have to wake up early because your hair is really thick and will take too long to fix." That day never came...I wasnt given the opportunity to fix your hair and prepare you for picture day...instead, my world was turned upside down and has been ever since. I brought Puppy to school the other day... still not thinking about picture day until I was heading back to the car...the memory of that last night filled my head and thoughts of our conversation. Replaying that memory and the what should've been... Memories..they make me happy and put a smile on my face...yet they make me sad and make me cry my eyes out....either way I don't know what I'd do without them. It's all I have of you. It's March again...and I'm getting anxious. Your last days with and i having dinner together for the last time (spaghetti)....cherries jubille ice cream (rewarding you and Ness for your good grades)...BURGUNDY (just a word you didn't like)... I miss you every single day...I'll miss you every single day until I get to see you and hold you once more... I LOVE YOU ALWAYS NENA BOO!

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13 years ago

Lil Marshall (with arms wide open): "Mom, I miss Mang Nen this much and MORE!!!!!" Me: "I know son...I miss her that much and more too..." Nen, it breaks my heart that your baby brother didn't get to make as many memories with you as your sisters did. He knows your face because of your beautiful pictures...he listens as we tell him stories of how you used to babysit him...and knows you use to call him LITTLE MARSHIO. There are times he asks to see you, but then says, "but I can't huh mom? cuz she's in heaven, right?" And all I can do is nod in agreement. He looks just like you baby...and he's just as wild and crazy as you were too! All I know is one day, one sweet day we'll all be together again....and be COMPLETE.

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13 years ago

Jaena, we miss you sooo much!! Cienna & Chanel continue to make photo collages of your beautiful pictures to decorate our home. You are in our every day thoughts and prayers!! We love you!!

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13 years ago

i always miss you..and i just wanted you to know that i love you and miss you!

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Thanks for the crab wontons today sissy!!! You know it made me think of my baby girl, especially since she liked it as much as I do. She definitely wasn't a picky-eater!

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13 years ago

I miss you so much, Manang Jaena. We love you. We want you to come back. I spend a lot of time everyday thinking about you. Nothing is the same without you. I wonder what would happen if you still come to the journeys we have with our family. I hate it when people say to get over the fact that you are gone, but you are still here. you are still here in our hearts. We all love and miss you sooo much!!!!!! Love, Puppy <3

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Mama Emy
13 years ago

Sweetheart, it's not getting any better no matter what everyone says! It's going to be 2years a week from now but to me it seems like only yesterday when you went to dhurch with Mama and Papa and had your last communion. I have a very vivid memory of you saying goodbye to me when I walked you infront of the church to go to school. I cannot forget that day when you wanted to sleep with me that night and I said for you to go home because you had a school the following day. I canlt forget when you said goodnight and goodbye when you left me and Papa to go home. I did not know they were the lasr words you left me to remember you by. Only after these months that I realized I was with your Mom and Dad when your were born and when you left us. My darling girl, nothing can fill up the void that you have left in my heart. Only you can fill the emptiness in my heart. I do know that you're my ANGEL until we meet again! I MISS YOU SO MUCH THAT IT HURTS! I LOVE YOU... UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN......

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I'm anxious.....and I can't shake this feeling. I'm taken back to two years ago, replaying the months and days before you left. My heart continues to ache, but I know that it will never stop. Everyday, every single day I'm reminded of how 'incomplete' I am without you. You are my missing puzzle piece and until that day comes, there's nothing that can be said or done to help ease that pain and feeling. I miss you baby!!!! I miss you sooo soooo much, that it hurts....all I can do is try....and I will for you....I LOVE YOU NENA BOO!

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13 years ago

Manang, I NEVER stop thinking about you every day every second, no matter where I am. I pray for you everyday right before I go to bed, even if I am really tired and want to go to bed right away. It has been almost 2 years,and I would cry everyday if I can never see you again. you are sweet, kind and is an angel. I want to be just like you when I grow up. I love you, Ading RileyRoo

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14 years ago

Just wanted you to know that not a day goes by, that I don't think about you. I miss you Jaena "Smiley" Mylie!

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14 years ago

Nen! I miss you soo much! You've been on my mind everyday, every night, every second annd its just unreal to me that you're gone. I wish i could see you! I love you Nen! I Love you, Lexi:)

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14 years ago

Jaena, whenever I'm with you I feel like I'm walking on air. You are my key to happiness. Without you in my life I feel like I can't live. With you at my side I know I'm safe, and with you at my side I feel like I'm in heaven. Jaena, I haven't seen you since last year, I need you back. I hope that is soon. You have so much talent I wish I am like you, because I know a lot of people that want to be an angel. I hope you are liking heaven. you are safe and sound. I love you, Rileyroo

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14 years ago

Jaena, whenever I'm with you I feel like I'm walking on air. You are my key to happiness. Without you in my life I feel like I can't live. With you at my side I know I'm safe, and with you at my side I feel like I'm in heaven. Jaena, I haven't seen you since last year, I need you back. I hope that is soon. You have so much talent I wish I am like you, because I know a lot of people that want to be an angel. I hope you are liking heaven. you are safe and sound. I love you, Rileyroo

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It's been well over a year now, baby girl and yet I cry every day missing you. I'm haunted by scenes that happened the night you passed away. The second you passed, was already too much time apart from each other. So much time has passed us by and every second, minute and hour is too long. I long to hold you, hear you and see your pretty face. Your laughter -- I want to hear it! Your hands -- I want to hold! Your smile -- I long to see! I MISS YOU! It's loud, but never loud enough because I don't hear you. I want to hear you call for me, I want to hear you call "MOMMY....MOMMMY!". I hear it in the back of my head, But know that if I turn around, you won't be there. I know you're up there -- safe and sound, where you belong..watching over us -- guarding those who need it most..... I MISS YOU, Nen....I MISS YOU!!!

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Sandee Ortmann
14 years ago

God, will you please send this message up to Jaena in heaven. She was the best cousin ever. Everyone really misses her. :(

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14 years ago

Janea, Today, the sun finally came out, after days of rain...and I thought about you , as I do everyday. I just miss you Neni girl and I just don't know but our lives have completely changed. I can't wait to see you in heaven! We will all be together again one day!

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Riley Madayag
14 years ago

Jaena was the best person you have ever seen, whenever you see her smile, you can tell that she is a angel. Jaena was the closest cousin I have ever had, she is my angel and my insporation. I will do anything to bring her back with me, I am the sun in her sky and I am the sand in her beach. I miss you Neni girl, rileyroo

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Daniel Angel
14 years ago

i never really knew Jaena, but i knew her sister. i was in seventh grade when i had heard the news. i started to cry and cry and i couldn't stop. it was hard for me but i can imagine how hard it was for her family. my mom has passed away and i have gone through the same pain that the Obenchain family had probably went trough. my mom was a loving mother and every day i pray for my mom to take care of Jaena as a kid of her own. she is in good hands and she always will be. I love you Obenchain Family <3 Daniel Angel

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14 years ago

I remember seeing Jaena at the Galleria Mall. The whole family was there, they were on their way back from the snow. That was the first time she met Lauren. I remember Jaena playing with Lauren's hands and leaning over the stroller to smell her. Then I remember Jaena sitting on Lil Bubbs lap...while he was sitting in his stroller. Lol. Silly girl. I just remember her fair pretty little face, silly smile, just her unique personality. I miss you pretty pretty girl.

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riley madayg
15 years ago

Jaena an I were very close cousins. I loved her through thick and thin. We were just like sisters, we fought about little things but but ten minutes later we would be best friends. I remember when we used to dress up like gangsters together. It was so fun. I miss you, I love you and I'll never forget you Jaena, our angel! ♥riley

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15 years ago

im a friend of jaena i seen her a school i remember she used to anoy me but me i miss that part i still cant believe she died i go to that school im in forth grade she was in third grade im crying right now -geraldine

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

aww Jaena!! why are you so mad!! didnt you have fun at your mine and your sisters game? i love you!

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15 years ago

Jaena was my friend the first time we saw each other on the first day of school... I was in 1st grade and she was in Kinder... She was my friend!!!!!!! I miss her dearly!!! She was fun and cool. and she was in the SCS Choir!!!! She was a great girl!!! Only if her dreams and hopes came true... But God called her to go up to heaven... Her life was precious... but she was going to heaven when she died... Only if she was here longer.. She is safer now in heaven watching down on everyone she knows and loves... Be our guide Jaena!!!

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15 years ago

Gosh, I wish God gave us more time so that I can have a more than a ton of memories. Your face and the memories that I do have live on in my mind and heart every day and forever. Everyday, I thank God for getting me mixed up that one day your mom and I went out to brunch. I got there early and was able to hang out with you and do homework. Everytime I come over, you're always the first one to greet me. Well, like your Nina Angie said, you would be there first but wouldn't kiss me!.. so I anticipated it and like always I kissed you first then your sisters... and brother. You rushed to the kitchen cuz you were doing homework. So I went to you.. to see what you were up to. You were upset.. because you couldn't find your answers since it was an internet assignment and all you had were old ass encyclopedias that your mom and i used to use! haha But we figured it out and i gave you the answers. Hopefully they were the correct ones. I was so happy to beable to have sat with you until we left... I think about how cute you were when you were in T-ball and your uniform was so big! I remember going to your house to hang out and you would be asleep in the weirdest places. I can still hear you telling me you love art. Every day, I wish you were here. Every time I go to your mom's house, I expect you to answer the door. Or atleast run to the door to be the first to greet me. Every day, I wish I spent more time with you. I hope that you're up there looking over me. I hope you're saving me a place next to you. I will NEVER forget you Jaena. You will ALWAYS be in my heart. I love you babygirl..

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

My last memory of Jaena is when my mom dropped me off at her house on Feb. 28,2009. We played house but a different kind of version, sort of. our parents were somewhere else and we were on our own. Jaena kept saying her name was gonna be some ridiculous name. it was so funny. we were being chased by the government because Janessa was pretending she was a witch... and the government was out to get her. so me, nen, and puppy were just running away with her to different places around the world so she could protect us. And I remember when we went to the snow, Jaena kept asking her mom and dad if I could ride with them everywhere. When we were headin' over to Reno, me and Jaena kept talking about random things. We were almost to Reno and I got my phone and recorded Jaena, pup, ness, and lil' marsh. i will never delete that video. I will never forget my memories of Jaena and me. Rest in Peace Neni Girl..... I love you. Jasmyn

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