Just had you on my mind and checked into hear your voice in song this afternoon.

Your Birthday-September 22, 2009
Its a hard day for me but a good day also. Your memory, your smile, your face I can still see clearly, I can still hear you say MOM, I thank God he is keeping you alive in me today & I am able to go on day by day because of him, he is keeping me strong through this storm that I have faced with your loss, its funny though you are not dead, you are alive & OK, others don't understand, you are more alive now then you were hear on this earth when you were with us & soon we will be together again, the Lord has given us this hope & faith that one day we wll be together with our savior, our maker & all the loved ones that made it to Heaven. How can we thank God enough for what he did for us, we cant, I could never show enough gratitude & thanks to him in this lifetime but what I can do is share your testimony with others so they will know there is a God, I will continue sharing your music & you will live on in our hearts & minds until we meet again. So as we celebrate your birthday, each in a different way today, we will remember you, your laughter, your tears, your face your life & we will go on each day becoming stronger & stronger, that's what you wold have wanted for each of us. I miss you terribly but you are hear with me each day in my heart & never will I forget you. You were my special boy, you truly touched each of us in a mighty way when you were hear, how could we forget!!!! You were a child of wonder a child of God. I thank the Lord for the days we had with you while you were hear. I hope you have a wonderful birthday up there & hope you can see us somehow & know we miss you & are waiting for that day we will be with you again when we will all be perfect & it will be forever this time. I love you son, see you very soon. I ask the Lord to touch each person in a special way that comes to this website to celebrate & remember Jerahmia, bless each one & draw them to you.
Love your Mom & Monty

I would like to leave a memory for Jerahmia's family. It seems that Jerahmiah had a lot of accomplishments in his short life, and had a big heart. My heart goes out to Jerahmias mom, I can feel your sadness. I too, lost my son June 8, 2008. Alan was 24, also died in a car accident. Our "journeys", will be long and hard. We can find some comfort in knowing that...angels are among us. You are in my prayers.

Its hard to believe you have been gone for a year already. This month has been hard on me but I a pushing forward as I know you would have wanted me to. I thank the Holy Spirit that he came to comfort me in my time of loss, without him I would have never made it. I thank the Lord that he sent the Angels to take you out of that car before it hit that tree & that Jesus took that last ride for you, he was there all the time! I thank the Lord that he took you to heaven in your worst time of suffering & that now there is no more suffering! I can only imagine what you are seeing, feeling & doing, it is truly a mystery to all of us, it must be glorious for you! Soon the Lord will come for us & we will meet in the clouds & go up to Heaven "together forever this time" we will all be perfect then! Until then I will be counting the days & hours that we will be together, I miss you & love you Jeremy!

When I woke up this morning, you were on my mind! Right now I am listening to your inspiring CD. It is hard for me to believe that today it has been a year since you left us for your new home. It has to be so beautiful there, but you are still missed and loved.

Each year on Easter, we pause to remember the resurrection of our Lord. But also it is a reminder that a day is coming soon when the dead in Christ will rise and we who remain will be caught up with Him in the air. What a day of reunion that will be! I so look forward to spending time with you again, Miah.

As a New Year Begins without you, I am filled with grief. Sometimes I think I am getting used to the idea and other times I realize how much I miss you! The old year was a tough one for me in many ways, I can't tell you how many times I wished you were here to help me through it. You were always near when I needed you. I also know how tough your life was here and am so glad you are with our Lord. In knowing that I take great comfort. Miah, I love you and I miss you!!

Its hard to believe Christmas is almost here & you've been gone almost 7 months, I knew this month would be hard for me, we both loved Christmas "didn't we" Our favorite time of the whole year, It doesn't seem right to celebrate without you here, just the thought of putting lights up & a tree is unthinkable for me. Seems time is flying & we are pressing forward & pressing into the Lord's word each day. I know you know the reason you had to leave, I am sure Jesus has showed you everything that it has caused to happen to us down hear & it was to Glorify him & to lead more people to the Lord with your testimony, (your music & your story was part of the whole plan he was going to use through us & others) some don't know it yet but soon it will be revealed to them. The Lord will use tragedy to get his way or wake people up so they will look to him for answers, strength, guidance & love, (love like we have never known before) . Your favorite bible verse says, wait upon the LORD and your strength shall be renewed, he has renewed mine so I can get through this tragedy & push forward, so Monty & I can complete our journey & Gods plan hear on earth as the time is drawing close when our fight will be finished, it has caused us to SOAR LIKE EAGLES, just as he planned. I know you have wings like eagles now & I am so thankful that you were taken to Heaven to be with Jesus, your fight is over & your new life has began, you are waiting for us to arrive, what a day that will be for me to see you again & to see you whole & perfect with absolutely no pain or problems of any kind. His plan was awesome & there is no other GOD like our GOD, I give him all the PRAISE & GLORY! I love you Jeremy, see you soon! Love, Mom To others who may visit this site & read this, remember what ever the circumstances are they are not too great for our GOD, look up to the Lord & call out his name for answers, strength & hope, for without him you are lost, Satan will try to steal everything from you if you are not careful, he will steel your eternity! Time hear is short & right now the only thing that matters is to make sure you & your loved ones are ready for the Lords return which is very soon. There is no time to "tarry" for the fight is almost over, call out his name for everlasting life!

I know you are in the best place but miss you always! I can't imagine what it would be like to cellibrate your birthday in HEAVEN but I bet if they do such things it was a party like we have never seen hear. I hope you had the best birthday ever, even though I wish you could have been hear to cellibrate with us. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON! I LOVE YOU!
We attented Church on September 21, 2008 at Tri State Faith Center & little did I know what would happen on Sunday night! Our daughter Melissa came Sunday night also & I was up front this time when we were having song service, Melissa aproched me with Brook our grandaughter whom is 3 years old, she said tell grandma what you saw, Melissa finally told me that brook saw Jeremy's arms & wondered where he was, after telling me this she went back to her seat & when the song service ended I went back to my seat, Melissa said she saw him again only this time she said Moma there's Jeremy, he is with Jesus, so you were in CHURCH WITH US, what a wonderful thing to know Brook saw you with Jesus & you were with us. There were also many, many beautiful songbirds of some type singing in the tree by your bedroom window on your birthday right before I left to go to the cemitary to visit & bring your flowers. They sang the most beautiful songs to me, I paused for a wile to listen & think why they were there, I have not seen them since nor had I ever seen them or herd them around hear before. I know that was from Heaven. We all miss you & love you.
Love Mom

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

FOR YOU...and the family you left behind.

As the days go by, it is becomming more real but not real! It doesnt seem like this can be, maby I will wake up & it will all just a bad nightmirror! I miss you more & more each day & wish you would drive in to see me like you use to do. The loss is so great & the emptyness I feel is so real, a hole in my heart you left for sure & part of me is gone that I can never get back. I will never be the same again! I guess this is a new chapter in my life & I know I have to let you go, but it is so hard to say goodby in this way. I know you are in such an amazing place, a place beyone our imagination, you are perfict & completely heeled now. I try to remember memories of you, all of them that I can, it seems so very sad that your not hear but a blessing on the other hand that you have no more suffering or pain or loneleness that was so real to you on this earth. I ask Jesus to put his arms around you & tell you how much I loved & miss you, I hope he does that for me. I dont know what we feel in Heaven when we get there or what we know, if you know what happened or how much I loved & miss you along with many others. I am trying to move on but each day is a challenge for me. I still have so many questions, what happened on that sad day that you were taken from us, what did you want when you called me & I was not hear to answer, maby in time Jesus will give me the answers I so need to know, in the meantime I just keep praying for them so I can get closure. I know it seems like the end is near, a feeling has come over me since you passed away & it just seems like there is something in the air that was not there before, an ergnecy seems very present with me that we need to tell as many about Jesus & his comming so they can be ready & not left behind, I have so many on my mind to talk with & am asking Jesus to give me the words for each one. I know where your heart was & someday I will give your testomany as it cannot go unherd, there are many young people like you that struggled on this earth, many that dont know Jesus though, I am so thankfull to him for taking you to heaven & the beautiful prayer that he answered when I was unsure where you were. He works in amazing ways!
I love & miss you so much!
Your Mom

i knew you in a different way, as a chat friend and sincere heart searching for direction on the other end of the telephone. i always knew that through your emotional stresses, jesus was there for you, jesus had the unconditional love that you so desparately desired. thankyou for your honest sharing and our many conversations. our god has given you the ultimate healing. and you will always be an ultimate angel. thank you for always being my friend.

Monty & I went to the Church in Carden Ok yesterday, I have been preying that Jesus would send me a personal sign that you were Ok & with him! I have not had a sign except from others! Amazing how the Lord works, the Preacher had asked people who had needs to come to the front of the Church, we sat & watch as others were preyed for & soon it was aproching the last person that was standing up there, I started getting this feeling over me that I was suppost to be up there & that I would be called up in a minute. Then it happened, the Preacher said come on Vanessa, I knew I was suppost to be up there but it is hard sometimes to step out & go up. As two women approchad me that I had never met, they started laying hands on me, speaking in toungs & praying over me, all of a sudden the one woman said I feel that there is something that you are holding back, she said you need to let whatever it is holding you back go, just let go so you can be heeled as you need this heeling for your body, mind & soal. She didnt know I had lost a son in a car accident at all. All of a sudden she said I feel I need to sing to you in the Spirit & she did, immediately as the singing started I knew it was a sign from JESUS & he was telling me you were ok, as she sang in the Spirit I cried & it went on for 5 - 10 minutes maby, the ending of the song she was saying lulliby, a lulliby & that was just more conformation that the song was about Jeremy. I was so thankfull at that moment as I have been tormented as to where you were! satan can no longer torment me about that matter & I feel as your mother I had been given the MOST SPECIAL SIGN OF ALL! Thank you Jesus for this as you know all of our needs. I prey for the rest of the family as we can all get closure from this & that I know you would want us to continue on as you are in the Most High place with your Father, it will be soon that we will be together again.
I love you & miss you dearly, I will think of you each & every day!
Love, Mom

*Death is not the end, death is the sunrise before a beautiful day, death is the sunset before a starry night, death is only a beginning of a more beautiful life*
I borrowed these words from Kaitlin from another tribute, I hope you don't mind, but it so beautifully describes how we need to perceive death, not as an end but as a beginning.

Please accept my deepest sympathies.

The ice cream cone is for the rememberance of chasing down the ice cream truck at dads every time we heard the music! I had a dream of you last night. That hug you gave me was so real. In my dream Jeremy came to me at the foot of my bed and when I saw him I sprang to my feet and grabbed ahold of him and gave him the biggest hug I had ever given anybody before, when he hugged me back it was filled with so much love and peace, it had such a calming effect to me. I looked at him and he said "my land is good and new." Sounds like heaven to me! I love you bub, thanks for the hug.

Memories are funny things. It's amazing what triggers them: what someone says, a random thought, a photograph, something else you see. And when those memories come, they may bring a smile to your face or start some uncontrollable crying.
I was talking to Jerahmia's mom this weekend and she was relating what Miah had said to her about me. "That Rich makes me so mad, I don't know why he laughs about everything." It caused me to remember that he sometimes lodged the same complaint with me personally. Or he would say, "You musta had your happy pill today." Herein lies the paradox. I shouldn't always be happy, but I wasn't allowed to cry either. Inside the happiness, lies a very tender interior, that is easily prone to crying. He would emphatically say to me, "Now don't you cry on me!" or "You stop that crying right now!" Well for almost 8 weeks now, the happy moments have been hard to come by and the tears have flowed daily. It's so hard to lose someone who you love so much, the emptiness it creates inside is terrible. But I know as he looks down on us he would sternly admonish us, all of us, "Don't you start crying on me, AGAIN!" and "You stop that crying, RIGHT NOW!"

The way you would get so excited about going someplace.
The way you would sing in the shower....the car.
Your cinnamon coffee.
The HUGE pile of your laundry always by the washer.
You busting through the door....with that great big smile of yours.
Watching old Law & Order reruns.
Grilling out on the patio.
The way your eyes sparkled.
Going out for a drive, and not know where we would end up.
Packing a dinner and going to our swimmin hole after work.
You putting ketchup on EVERYTHING you ate.
Fussing about who was going to do that pile of laundry.
Trying to get you to quit bitting your nails.
The way you would show up at work....just wanting to say hey.
Your cooking.....esp. the sugar-free pies.
Playing board games when we didn't have anything to do.
Your pouting when you lost....and your silly dance when you did.
Watching Deal or No Deal.
You teasing the cat (sissel).
You running around trying to find a matching pair of socks.
You watching TV with your blanket wrapped around you.( That blanket is out there somewhere....please if anyone knows where its at contact Jerahmia's mom...or me).
Running to Taco Bell....McDonald's, and getting there just before they closed.
You putting ice in your glass of wine.
Our float trip adventures......hmmmm maybe not.
Your style.
Your smile....that wonderful smile.
But most of all Jerahmia....I miss you.
Your on my heart....just like a tatoo....I'll always have you.

I was introduced to Jerahmia through Rich, a friend of mine. My sister & I helped to set him up in his first apartment in this area by giving him pots, pans, dishes, etc. He appreciated everything that anyone did for him. Through our short acquaintance, I always knew him to be a loving, caring person. Rich was so good to him and I know he misses him terribly....almost like losing a child. My sincere sympathy to Jerahmia's family and to Rich. I know he is missed by you all.

Through these hard times God is holding me up, I have found these verses in a Book I have been Reading: Saving A Life (how we found courage when death rescued our son) I hope these verses help others who are struggleing through these times of hardship & morning. As much as we all miss Jeremy we should all be celebrating that he is with Jesus & he is whole & safe now! He is the lucky one! I know if Jeremy could say one thing to us it would be pick yourselves up now, enough already! I am completely fine & soon we will be together (of course with that big hudge smile)!
Isaiah 44;21-22
I will not forget you. I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist.
Romans 4:7-8
Blessed are they whose trangressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him.
Colossians 2:13-14
He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.
Hebrews 10:17
There sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.
Samuel 22:30
With your help I can advance against a troop: with my God I can scale a wall.
Psalm 5:11
Let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
Psalm 9:9-10
The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD have never forsaken those who seek you.
Psalm 27;5
For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.
Psalm 31;19
How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you.
Psalm 34:22
The LORD redeems his servants; no one will be condemmed who takes refuge in him.
I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.
Psalm 59;16-17
I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in time of trouble.
O my strenght, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God.
Romans; 15;13
May the God of hope fill you with all the joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy spirit.,

What a beautiful voice
Dear brother,
You left home home when I was young, but I remember you would stand in your room in front of the mirror and sing for hours. I loved to listen to you and sometimes I would sing with you. I remember when we went to Pleasant Hill Baptist church and sang together. We had so much fun that day. The people at the church did not know what to think because no one ever sang that loud in the church. I remember when you sang at Central Christan Center in Joplin. You sang so beautifully. I was so proud of you. I will always cherish your C.D. that you left everyone.
I remember swimming in the pool with you, I would be trying to tan and you would tip me off the raft. We would wrestle and try to dunk each other and push each others off the rafts. We had a time. I remember when I was younger the Fourth Of July we would light off so many fireworks. I miss you so much, I love you big brother. You left me so many wonderful memories I will never forget. You left at such a young age, I know we will meet again someday in heaven. Love you, Becka

Remember when you were younger & we use to light fireworks on the 4th of July !
We would all go to town together to pick them out, we sure bought a bunch didnt we! You loved lightning fireworks, you, Monty & Rebecka would get things all set up outside in the front yard & Granny would come sometimes to watch, (she misses you so much) but we had such fun & I had fun watching you guys light them, I really missed it this year even though you had been doing your own thing for a couple years on the 4th my memories are wondering back to when you were little. I long for the time I will see you again & you will give me that big hug & smile like you always did. I know you are saying "It will be alright mom, we'll be back together soon & things will be perfict "
Yesterday was my birthday, I really missed seeing you, we visited you for a while at your garden & then went to eat but it was not the same, I had many many thoughts of you & how much I wished you were hear with us but I know you would not want to come back hear to your past life. it was vary hard for you hear, the awfull challenges you had to face & feeling so alone, I know, I felt it in my heart many times especially the last few weeks of your life. I felt many things in my heart before you left, it was so strange when I think back, the Lord has revealed many things to me lately, you & me were so connected in our hearts, a piece of mine will be missing foever & not whole untill we meet again in Heaven. Untill then I will be thinking of you always! I am watching for that Angel in the clouds every day!
I love you so much!
Love Mom

I did not meet you, but I heard about you through Rich. When Rich told me about you, i felt so sad. My condolesences to everyone who knew him! Be in peace now!

I remember so long ago when you were little, you would stand by the gate by the old trailer house that you use to live in, you were all dressed in your cowboy outfit (black) & cowboy hat, you held out your hand to make me stop, you wanted to ride the tractor with me while I graded the long driveway, then I would pick you up & away we would go grading & grading the drive.
I also remember when you started riding the bike (3- wheeler) it would get hi- center and you would say "grandpa help me"!
I love you & I will see you soon, I promiss!
Your Grandpa Barney


My Dearest JERAHMIA!
I really miss you but your my Angel now, I'm going to see you again! I know your singing with that beautiful voice now with Jesus. I love you so much, I wish I could have spent more time with you, but we'll all be together forever someday soon. You were always such a loving, kind & forgiving person, You were put on this earth for all of us, you & your songs will minister & lead a lot of people to the Lord, for that is already happening. You were so handsome & were such a cute baby, you were so young when God took you but he had a plan for you in Heaven, he wanted you with him to help him, & you will be comming back with Jesus in the Rapture to gather all of us & take us to Heaven. I cant wait to see you again Jeremy.
Your Granny Mary Who loves you so much!
P.S. Lots of Love & Kisses untill we meet again.

I came to this site(Respectance) in order to find some kind of something to make sense of my mothers sudden death. After the notation I left for my Mother (in a tribute to Cyd Cherisse), I lingered and found others had shared their thoughts and grief... I found that I was not alone. Even though I have four sisters, we each live in other areas of the country and do not see each other all the time. I was in awe of the others that had left a a tribute or memory, there were so many. I glanced at some and read others, the photo with the baby was the thing that caught my eye...and when I read...and I heard the song...well, lets say that he will still touch others' lives even now.
Carrie Kernel
16 years agoNo wonder Jeremy carried this photo everywhere he went ! Great picture and memory Mom ! Carrie