I only knew my mother in law Judy for a short 5 years before she fell ill. Judith was very protective and loving of me. I could tell she was a bright star and I better understood where the beauty of my wife, Kathryn, had come from. As Judith lay in her bed in the final hours of her life, I promised her that I would look after Kathy. Judith blinked her eyelids, which I think was a sign that she could hear and understand what I said. I do feel, or hope, that this gave her comfort.

She was a poet and an artist, who put all that aside
To be a loving mother and her lover's constant bride.
Yet none could be more volatile in this allotted role.
Her absence has made present, a deep abiding soul.

To the Shearman Family: I loved your mother very much, she was like a second mother to me. I am glad that I was able to visit with her when I was there last year. I will miss her very much.
My thoughts are with you.
Much love, Susie