The Blairs lived next door to me for most of my early years. In last months edition of Fort Worth Magazine, there was an article about Colonial and many photo's from tournaments past. On page 43 there was a picture of three young children selling lemonade. Based on the yard and the kids, I'm fairly certain it was Bobby, Bart, and Kelly. Here is a link:
I have many fond memories of Bart and Kelly letting me play in their backyard whether it was jumping on the trampoline or riding my bike on their make-shift bmx track.
Our thoughts are will all of the Blair family.
Mike Thomas, Jr.

Very sad news Blair family. I just ran into Bart having lunch at Colonial a few weeks ago. Anyone who spent any time at Colonail as a kid in the 70's and 80's remember all of the Blairs. I was never much of a swimmer but I do remember how well Kelly mastered the butterfly, it was a sight to see in swim meets. I can see Kelly now laughing by the pool, playing a prank on someone on the lifeguard staff. I also have great memories of Bobby and Doug headed to the tennis courts while we were hanging out around the pool gates...I can see Bobby spinning his racket around in one hand right now...what a stud he was and how he is missed also. I was sad to see the old Blair house leveled just the other week. This loss makes it even more heart breaking. God bless you guys Bart and Doug. My prayers are for peace and comfort in your loss.

i have seen ur pictures and red what did ur friends said about u even i don't know english very well and i don't know u eather i wanna express my saidness about loosing a person like u in a very yong age.but we are all gonna die and memories still in hearts of peopl that we love and i pray for u so god can help ur familly to forget about u because missing someone is realy hard and god bless ur sault.

I looked up to Kelly at Alice Carlson, McLean and Paschal. But it is our summers together on the CCC swim team I remember best....all of us green-haired blondies running around in our chlorine faded, blue swim suits with the wavy white stripes and bleached towels wrapped around our tiny waists.
I can see Kelly's blonde curls and shining white teeth-open-mouthed-smile and I can hear her loud, laughing voice cheering us towards the wall (finish). Her contagious spirit will be missed.
Lesli Seymour Mosser

Kelly~ I will never forget all the swim team practices at CCC with you and the fun times we had when Bobby and I use to hang out. What a precious little sister you were for all of us.....God bless your sweet boys....

Kelly- It was a pleasure knowing you and you will be missed dearly. I am so glad to have spent time with you while you and Lee dated in High School. We had so much fun doing things together. My mom and dad were so sad to hear about your passing. We love you and one day we will meet again. Lisa

Kel...I will never forget you and the time that I was pumpping you on my bicycle and you fell off and I ran over your leg and broke it. I felt so bad I carried you for blocks to my house and you never let me forget it. You were one of the best friends anyone could ever have. I wish for you peace beyond all and the know that you are loved.

Tiffany Finkelstein
14 years agoI loved all the pictures, each stage of her life, Kelly was such a beautiful person we shared so much together I will and have missed her so much I know she is in a better place but for selfish reasons I wish she was here with me.