To the memory of a childhood love, many moments sung with michaels memory, to be here and to be anywhere is the cost of living, Michael is now in peace forever, and shall remain in a wonderfull journey of total unity with the divine , Michael is one with God, and Michael is GOD.
Assure your pleace in the unity with god, and keep it as it should, one god and one world.
and be cool in heaven like you have been on earth, and stars never vanish they just transform to another stars, brighter and divine.


.... they can't hurt you any more....

Michaed you will be missed by all , for you are the true king of pop. GOD saw in this earthly garden the perfect flower that had blumed, shined and shared its beauty all over the world and its work was done. God needed this beautiful flower to beautify his garden, so he picked it. Leaving us sad but proud of the time he shared you with us. Michael Jackson you will be missed we love you but GOD loves you best. May GOD bless and keep your family .To the Jackson family, May you look to the heavens from which your stringht comes, for your loved one is at peace

i adored you from the age of 13yrs i am now 52yrs i waited nearly 40yrs to see you in concert and got my dream when you announced your english tour i got my ticket to see you at the 02 in london but now my dream has been shattered you will always be in my heart night sleep tight love you always xxx

Is it true that micheal jackson is a muslim..??? is there anyone can tell me when he convert into muslim, when he goes to mecca....

Me gustaria poder regresar el tiempo y hacer algo para que no te fueras. Hoy ya no estas, pero todo lo que hiciste es un regalo para los que nos quedamos. si pudieras ver lo mucho que te amamos muchos en en mundo entero tendrias una sorisa en la cara. Eres el mejor de los mejores de los cantantes, bailarines y artistas de todos los tiempos. no habra alguien como tu JAMAS. Tuviste bien merecido el titulo de King of pop y el de el artista del milenio.
Era mi sueño poder conocerte, duele saber que no estas.
Dios te tenga en su gloria. Descansa en paz y que Dios te bendiga.

I am Black and African.
I liked Michael in the beginning.
Best musician ever.
I spent hours trying to dance like him as far back as before Cds and Dvds ever came to existence.
I don’t think there will ever be anyone to match him.
We all have a right to do whatever we want with our bodies: tattoos, piercings etc but when u start distorting the part of ur body that is used for breath, then something is wrong.
When he started working on his nose i knew he will not go far.
He could have worked on his dick, balls, hands, etc but not the nose.
He could get a green dick, blue balls etc but hell not the nose.
Then we have lost all family values that we now turn to drugs.
When i look at my kids, even the most sophisticated pain killers cannot replace the pain killing effect i feel when i am with family.
When u start making kids using strange absurd means, ur fµçK£d up. I guess he was planning to shag an alien or donate sperms to an alien from outer space to make alien et kids.
People, lets be realistic. Michael fµçK£d up right to the end.
His doctor is not to blame for anything.
1) when you hire a doctor at 126k a month then your system must be fµçk£d up real bad.
2) i would not kill the goose that lays the golden egg... So just quit looking at the doctor.
I hope Michael’s soul rest in peace.
I guess he planned something strange to be done to his body. Maybe incinerated put in a jar, take to outer space and then throw it out to float in the atmosphere without gravity...
Well just a quick reminder before i leave: Michael is in for a surprise when he gets to the other side. All the plastic surgery will disappear, he will have BLACK SKIN and a BLACK AFRICAN NOSE!!!

kamu adalah inspirasi aku
semoga kamu bisa masuk surgadan
di tempatkan di sisi ALLAH S.W.T

I am really sad now. I don't what to write.
But, Michael, you are always be my hero.
ps. You are the one that makes me want to learn english better. Thanks a lot my hero.

He is a one of my fevorate singer. Always you will remain in our future. Rest in peace AMEN

when he first did moon walk he is a legend and will be dearly missed by all as one of greatist entertainer that has walked the earth this century. his music will inspire many forever .


when he first did moon walk he is a legend and will be dearly missed by all as one of greatist entertainer that has walked the earth this century. his music will inspire many forever .

rip micheal u are truly amazing the one thing i belive is he is entertaining like only he could on the grandest stage of them all in heaven

RIP Michael Jackson you was a great singer and you will be sadly missed by everyone in the world. my heart goes out 2 your family and friends xxxx

God only takes the best Michael. You will be sorely missed. You will always be a broken piece of my heart. God bless and keep your family and give them strength and peace. I love you Michael.

You were just amazing and even'll still in everyone's heart.......God bless you Michael

Micheal i am 11years old and you have inspired me at this tender age if only they had play your music before you would of touch more children my age now you re gone they re playing your music they to like me will be inspired only thing is they re now hearing your music playing often that is sad it took your life to do this never the less that the power you have dead or alive you will touch all who come in contact with your music you are the best you will live on in all our hearts SHEM KING yes a king like you from Barbados


Michael you re the only legend that ever lived you re love by all we took for granted the time you had here on earth none can replace you may GOD take you in his wing and keep you safe something we did not know how to do gone but not for gotten WE LOVE YOU .....

Lord, be with our deceased friend Michael Jackson and with those who have so loved him in this world. Guide him to the light of Your eternal rest and peace, and console those of us who remain with Your strength and love. May all of us use this difficult time to become a source of support and comfort for his family and one another. Amen.

Michael you are gone too soon LOVE you always


Suas músicas e sua dança ficarão na memória de muitos por muitos e muitos anos!!!
Grande artista!!!

Like a sunset, dying witht he rising of the moon. Gone to Soon. Gone to Soon.

i new u was innocent m8 and u went through all that crap in court and then when u wer cleared u end up dying u didnt deserve it u will be missed by millions me and my wife will have our own tribute to u your wer a god u will be missed

Michael Jackson was the GOLDEN KEY to the era of our childhood dreams. He will be missed, but never forgotton. He came to teach the world how to love through music. He spread his love throughout the globe like a grass covered mountain. May his childlike spirit teach us to humble ourselves, to care and love one another, and to reach out and help each other. If you listen, really listen to his songs, you will hear the legacy he left for us to learn from. May his departed soul rest in peace, and may the Lord comfort his family, as well as us all in these hours of bereavement.

It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for life inside a killer, thriller tonight
You hear a door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination
But all the while you hear the creature creepin' up behind
You're out of time
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting to survive inside a killer, thriller tonight
Night creatures call
The dead start to walk in their masquerade
There's no escapin' the jaws of the alien this time (they're open wide)
This is the end of your life
They're out to get you, there's demons closing in on every side
They will possess you unless you change the number on your dial
Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together
All thru the night I'll save you from the terrors on the screen
I'll make you see
That it's a thriller, thriller night
'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost who would dare to try
Girl, this is thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller
Thriller here tonight
Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'awl's neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller

I am a gr8 believer in life after death, and the first emotions i felt when i heard the news about Micheal's death was ( OH MY GOD, I AM SO HAPPY FOR MICHEAL) i am so happy that his gone and is where he's not judged. He is with his fans and loving souls who really love him. He was a generous soul who gave so much to so many. This world where not all but many others caused him so much shame, disgrace and guilt that he wasn't guilty of. They tore his innocent soul apart with all the false accusations. And now he is in pain and shame no more. He really was innocent and i can't 4get what this greedy,money hungry,evil people have done to him, sounds and feels like what they did to beloved Heath. 2 bright shimmering lights are out and guess who's to blame.We all die one day but these 2 stars were victims of this evil people who love nothing more but to play god, judge and disgrace until they are gone.And that's not all, further disgrace how broke they were, how much money did they leave behind and it's still going on. I can feel Micheal is so so happy, and he's sending his fans this joyful energy to rather celebrate his life and death cos he is very happy at where he is now and doesn't want his fans to grieve and ache with pain for him cos he couldn't be happier.

Dear Micheal,
Im ur dearest fan since my childhood. You've been in my soul since i was young, i grew with ur dance&music around me. Until now i coudn't believe ur gone, tears just cant stop drolling down);
It was a very shocking news which can be hardly believed.
when i was young,
i used to follow ur dance&ur attirement and style, i really love ur dance in BillieJeans!
The world will always remember all the good things done by you.
And you are always good and god know's that so do i, some people who are jealous of you and they criticise you. But those who criticise will be punished by the god.
Those who criticise him, you only can criticise him but can never be him. So those who criticise him be shameful to urself.
U'll always be loved by me & my family.
All ur memories will stay forever, it can never be erased.
And just remember one thing that YouAreNotAlone(:
May You Rest In Peace(:
i love you my brother.

I was shocked when a friend broke the knews to me and said that Michael Jackson had died. I started to scream...I said ,you are joking right! From a teen I enjoyed listening to M.J music and watching him dance. May His Soul Rest In Peace!!
Love, Lenora C.
P.S: My Condolence to the family...You'll be encourage!

Michael this is funmi from nigeria, i just wanna say u are an icon, legend, king of pop, u are my hero. may ur gentle soul rest in perpect peace.

Michael was so special to me for all y life since y childood my adolescence...and even now as a woman he always inspire my life....he was my peter pan he make me fly with his songs his style his life...i feel so empty now the world has lost an idol an hero someone who care about our planet the uman right and the children he was one of a kind and will never be someone else like heart his with his family and his kids i hope they will be always proud f their father a man so special so unique hat the world will never ever forget he was my love and he always will be my special angel......God Bless you Michael rest in peace

Dear Michael,rest in peace.
i have not slept properly since your death!it has caused a dent in so many ways....!look at the irony-nobody cared for you in the recent past and today when you are gone,everyone want you back! michael,i just wish that people remember you for your contribution to were the greatest!you were the bestest!!wish people had come forward with these lovely thoughts when you were would have surely made a difference to you.still,if you are watching all this from above,you must be probably had the maximum number of fans than any other celebrity ever were probably the most popular figure on this planet!wish you were still alive...will miss you..will remember you always.

Thank you for your songs, your dance, your work.
Music never dies.
Long live the King!

i grew up watching his songs and danicing. im jus 20 but i personally feels that u are a legend MJ. u deserved a better place. and u are there now. its such a cruel world to live in. and u have faced too much to bear. we al going to miss u MJ. i hope u are hapy there. u must reborn for us. as no one can replace u MJ. RIP. Geishu malaysia

Michael you'll always be the King of Pop.Greatly miss you Michael.....

I like his songs very much and he some times he told me

Your music will live on in your memory,taken so suddenly and tragically,rest in peace michael and god bless.xx

I feel so so sad deep in my heart, I really love you Micheal not like a woman loves a man but it was more than that and this since my childhood it was love that I feel, feeling upset and sad when people or media used to criticise you, Being happy for you when you have success. Rest in peace, where you are now God our father will take good care of you, he will take care of your children as well. My prayers goes to your family and all those who truly and sincerely love you. You will always be in my heart


Though we are far apart,
yr're always in our hearts
we will remember u forever !
may u rest in peace.

I cannot believe you are gone. Im still in shock. The tears will not stop. Cant read the papers, cant listen to the news. I just hope and pray that you are now in a new life living as a child doing all the things you never had chance to do. I cannot put into words how I feel and the pain the world feels now you are gone. You were loved by many, many people and will continue to be until the end of time. A true genius. Noone will ever compare to you. Thoughts with your children. Never forget you, in my heart always Michael xxx

I remember when I was still in my younger years I bought a number of his tapes. Many times, people will only remember the good things about somebody when he or she dies. I hope people all over the world will only remember the good things that this guy has done. Micheal Jackson has truly contributed so much in the music world and he will remain to be a legend in the page of musical history which will be remembered down to the next generation. My deep condolences goes to his wife, children, and his family. I hope many people including the media will learn from this lesson. Love never criticize but it always builds up. God bless!

All my allowance money and earned money as a child went to teen magazines and posters of Michael and his brothers. I used to get punished for going to their concerts alone , my parents were afraid I'd het trampled by the crowd.
Michael was not of this world, he was only sent for a while, God called his angel home, he was not meant to grow old, just famous..... don't you see?
I love you Michael, you were and are a beautiful angel. You left a void in this world

All my allowance money and earned money as a child went to teen magazines and posters of Michael and his brothers. I used to get punished for going to their concerts alone , my parents were afraid I'd het trampled by the crowd.
Michael was not of this world, he was only sent for a while, God called his angel home, he was not meant to grow old, just famous..... don't you see?
I love you Michael, you were and are a beautiful angel. You left a void in this world
Emil Clemons
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