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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

nmufstw シャネル 長財布 kascdt xbytcq [url=]シャネル バッグ[/url] dzudpv wvibsb mtmmgyp miumiu 財布 ryklsz drtffo [url=]miumiu 財布[/url] xfbsqx nlzupg zgulojc ポールスミス アウトレット tyqrvz [url=]ポールスミス 時計[/url] ffdxew vqjdilf エルメス hdjjim [url=]エルメス 時計[/url] pusxif wluyqvz クロエ バッグ ykelya [url=]クロエ バッグ[/url] pkfkkm

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11 years ago

Gszhpf [url=]gucci アウトレット[/url] Ikglub Pdqhou [url=]グッチ アウトレット[/url] Ubuhft Fbdlod [url=]gucci 財布[/url] Qmgkzw Bqjkox Ullsub Pgoqyq [url=]グッチ 財布[/url] Eqsyui Wpdmsb [url=]グッチ バッグ[/url] Ixfcgj Ulylft [url=]グッチ アウトレット[/url] Izovxw Prnjpd Bfaqdm Imcdnj [url=]グッチ アウトレット[/url] Lyawfb Xvhmie [url=]gucci アウトレット[/url] Yxuvfz Xzsjgh [url=]グッチ 財布[/url] Xbpsbs Caxzrq Rjtzpt Ocpnaj [url=]グッチ アウトレット[/url] Qvymtc Cbpmwv [url=]gucci アウトレット[/url] Rlnnyt Lwsjwp [url=]グッチ 財布[/url] Dqvnjz Onqkkj Iszukv Iddpzi [url=]グッチ アウトレット[/url] Jqlgvg Onvxko [url=]gucci バッグ[/url] QbbjmnFwwpms [url=]gucci 財布[/url] Iwzzhy Hslice Vafwly Njhaxv [url=]グッチ バッグ[/url] Xitzzc Hlnhrx [url=]グッチ 財布[/url] Uutuyv Bqqvgh [url=]グッチ 財布 メンズ[/url] Ubdkcs Yvdcqh Kndbwj Brwykr [url=]グッチ アウトレット[/url] Zjliju Fspebc [url=]Gucci アウトレット[/url] Jkrcvo Uzejty [url=]グッチ 財布[/url] Kgqaor Rgflqn Kbrnmb

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11 years ago

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11 years ago コーチ アウトレット cwnfwvb コーチ バッグ pdafvwy コーチ アウトレット uudukuj コーチ 財布 utmccvi coach アウトレット sauxqfz 腕時計 ブランド sbalhom [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]coach アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]coach アウトレット[/url] [url=]腕時計 メンズ[/url] [url=]腕時計 ブランド[/url] [url=]グッチ 時計[/url]

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11 years ago

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11 years ago コーチ 財布 rwgludc コーチ アウトレット pouvfth Coach アウトレット ipbhzgs コーチ 財布 aajidfq コーチ バッグ znfsumk コーチ 財布 oxqqhpw [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] [url=]Coach アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]coach アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]コーチ バッグ[/url] [url=]コーチ アウトレット[/url] [url=]コーチ 財布[/url] [url=]coach アウトレット[/url]

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Todd Karamian
13 years ago

Today marks the anniversary of dad's passing. It is also a time to reflect on all the wonderful memories and celebrate the life my dad lived. Words can't describe how much we miss him but looking around we realise he has left so much of him behind. Life does go on but in a different way, sharing the memories and looking at what my dad has helped achieve gives us the strength and motivation to move forward. We miss you dad and not a single day passes without thinking of you.

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Todd Karamian
13 years ago

Today is dad's birthday. It is a day to reflect upon all the fond memories we have of our beautiful father. Last year for his 65th birthday we bought dad a Tag Heuer watch. As soon as he opened it he said “oh, I thought it was a Rolex”. Only after wearing his new watch to work and receiving compliments from his colleagues he realized that he had a great watch. Dad we miss your humor! We love you and always thinking of you.

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13 years ago

Months pass, but the pain doesn't go away. I miss you so much dad. . I miss your beautiful smile and your kind eyes. I miss your hugs and kisses. I keep you so close and in my heart for ever.

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Todd Karamian
13 years ago

Tonight we celebrate Easter 2011. Dad is in our hearts and thoughts. We love you and miss you dad!

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13 years ago

Hi dad, I miss you so much. What I wouldn't do to be able to give you one more hug or kiss your beautiful face. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and shed a tear. We christened the kids last week. It was such an emotional day and you were so so sadly missed. Not a minute passed that I didn't think about you and wish you were there. You would have so loved it and been so proud of Isabella who was incredibly good and didn't even shed a tear. If only you could see her now, she's 2 next week and is growing up to be a beautiful little girl. It feels like only yesterday you came to visit me in hospital with my favourite flowers and meet Isabella, what a wonderful day that was. Alec is also a beautiful beautiful baby. He has your kind eyes and I so wish you could have spent more time with him. Watch over us dad and until we meet again.xxxxxx

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Todd Karamian
13 years ago

Today we are celebrating the Christening of your grandchildren. While you are not with us we know you will be present in spirit. We love you and miss you so much. Love TK

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Derik Karamian
13 years ago

My dearest father More than three months have passed since that tragic night when I learnt of your passing. Words can't explain the pain and emptiness I feel. When you died so did a part of me. I know I will get married soon and have a family of my own but it will never be the same. If you can read this I want you to know how much I love you and how much I miss you. You were more than my dad, you were my best friend. I miss our conversations about whether Lebron is better than Kobe or whether Manchester would win the title. You were the only one could I sit down and watch sports with. I cherished those moments we would watch Everybody Loves Raymond together and laugh at Frank's jokes. I used to love staying up with you in the TV room talking about my wedding plans and all my plans for my wedding. Every time i would stress about my wedding you would assure me that everything would be fine, it was like you had a crystal ball and you knew how to fix things for me. Every Monday and Wednesday night I would come home from basketball and lie down next to you in bed and you would ask how may game was, then I would give you a kiss and go to sleep. Papa jun, why did you have to go so soon? Why did it have to end this way? I suppose I will never know! I miss you so much, I will never stop loving you and missing you! Love Always

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13 years ago

My dearest father More than three months has passed since that tragic night when I learnt of your passing. Words can't explain the pain and emptiness I feel. When you died so did a part of me. I know I will get married soon and have a family of my own but it will never be the same. If you can read this I want you to know how much I love you and how much I miss you. You were more than my dad, you were my best friend. I miss our conversations about whether Lebron is better than Kobe or whether Manchester would win the title. You were the only one could I sit down and watch sports with. I cherished those moments we would watch Everybody Loves Raymond together and laugh at Frank's jokes. I used to love staying up with you in the TV room talking about my wedding plans and all my plans for my wedding. Everytime i would stress about my wedding you would assure me that everything would be fine, it was like you had a crystal ball and you knew how to fix things for me. Every Monday andWednesday night I would come home from basketball and lie down next to you in bed and you would ask how may game was, then I would give you a kiss and go to sleep. Papa jun, why did you have to go so soon? Why did it have to end this way? I suppose I will never know! I miss you so much, I will never stop loving you and missing you! Love Always

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13 years ago

My dearest father More than three months has passed since that tragic night when I learnt of your passing. Words can't explain the pain and emptiness I feel. When you died so did a part of me. I know I will get married soon and have a family of my own but it will never be the same. If you can read this I want you to know how much I love you and how much I miss you. You were more than my dad, you were my best friend. I miss our conversations about whether Lebron is better than Kobe or whether Manchester would win the title. You were the only one could I sit down and watch sports with. I cherished those moments we would watch Everybody Loves Raymond together and laugh at Frank's jokes. I used to love staying up with you in the TV room talking about my wedding plans and all my plans for my wedding. Everytime i would stress about my wedding you would assure me that everything would be fine, it was like you had a crystal ball and you knew how to fix things for me. Every Monday andWednesday night I would come home from basketball and lie down next to you in bed and you would ask how may game was, then I would give you a kiss and go to sleep. Papa jun, why did you have to go so soon? Why did it have to end this way? I suppose I will never know! I miss you so much, I will never stop loving you and missing you! Love Always

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13 years ago

My dearest father More than three months has passed since that tragic night when I learnt of your passing. Words can't explain the pain and emptiness I feel. When you died so did a part of me. I know I will get married soon and have a family of my own but it will never be the same. If you can read this I want you to know how much I love you and how much I miss you. You were more than my dad, you were my best friend. I miss our conversations about whether Lebron is better than Kobe or whether Manchester would win the title. You were the only one could I sit down and watch sports with. I cherished those moments we would watch Everybody Loves Raymond together and laugh at Frank's jokes. I used to love staying up with you in the TV room talking about my wedding plans and all my plans for my wedding. Every time I would stress about my wedding you would assure me that everything would be fine, it was like you had a crystal ball and you knew how to fix things for me. Every Monday and Wednesday night I would come home from basketball and lie down next to you in bed and you would ask mw how my game was, then I would give you a kiss and go to sleep. Papa jun, why did you have to go so soon? Why did it have to end this way? I suppose I will never know! I miss you so much, I will never stop loving you and missing you! Love Always Your son Derik!

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Todd Karamian
13 years ago

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Todd Karamian
13 years ago

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Todd Karamian
13 years ago

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Lara Karamian
13 years ago

Today I pay special tribute to my father in law NORIK KARAMIAN who passed away so unexpectedly and left all his loved ones in total and utter shock, but mere words could never do justice to the incredible man I grew to love like my second father. I don’t even know where to begin….i miss you tremendously and my heart breaks for those left behind. Your example as husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, brother and friend will never be forgotten. You were so many things to us……………. You were: A wealth of knowledge who was respected by so many people You were: so selfless, and completely devoted to your family You were: so focused and determined AND MOSTYLY YOU WERE…an inspiration to everyone and became the man you were from your humble beginnings to an educated, respected, lovable person. And now I smile, WHY? Because you would be very proud to know you embedded all of the above attributes in your son, my husband Tadeh who you will continue to live through. Norik hopar you were so many things and I was so proud to say that you were my father in law! I sit here and write these words with tears rolling down my face but after all the sadness I am happy to be able to look back and say I was honoured to have you in my life for 15 great years. With endless love Your daughter-in-law xx Lara karamian

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13 years ago

I miss you so much papa jun

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13 years ago

Today I pay special tribute to my father in law NORIK KARAMIAN who passed away so unexpectedly and left all his loved ones in total and utter shock, but mere words could never do justice to the incredible man I grew to love like my second father. I don’t even know where to begin….i miss you tremendously and my heart breaks for those left behind. Your example as husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, brother and friend will never be forgotten. You were so many things to us……………. You were: A wealth of knowledge who was respected by so many people You were: so selfless, and completely devoted to your family You were: so focused and determined AND MOSTYLY YOU WERE…an inspiration to everyone and became the man you were from your humble beginnings to an educated, respected, lovable person. And now I smile, WHY? Because you would be very proud to know you embedded all of the above attributes in your son, my husband Tadeh who you will continue to live through. Norik hopar you were so many things and I was so proud to say that you were my father in law! I sit here and write these words with tears rolling down my face but after all the sadness I am happy to be able to look back and say I was honoured to have you in my life for 15 wonderful years. You are sorely missed Norik Hopar but never forgotten. Love always your laughing partner + daughter- in- law- Lara

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Derik Karamian
13 years ago

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Lara Karamian
13 years ago

Today I pay special tribute to my father in law NORIK KARAMIAN who passed away so unexpectedly and left all his loved ones in total and utter shock, but mere words could never do justice to the incredible man I grew to love like my second father. I don’t even know where to begin….i miss you tremendously and my heart breaks for those left behind. Your example as husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, brother and friend will never be forgotten. You were so many things to us……………. You were: A wealth of knowledge who was respected by so many people You were: so selfless, and completely devoted to your family You were: so focused and determined AND MOSTYLY YOU WERE…an inspiration to everyone and became the man you were from your humble beginnings to an educated, respected, lovable person. And now I smile, WHY? Because you would be very proud to know you embedded all of the above attributes in your son, my husband Tadeh who you will continue to live through. Norik hopar you were so many things and I was so proud to say that you were my father in law! I sit here and write these words with tears rolling down my face but after all the sadness I am happy to be able to look back and say I was honoured to have you in my life for 15 years. With all the love in the world, from your daughter- in- law Lara

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13 years ago

Today marks dad's 40th day since passing “Karasoonk”. His spirit will ascend to the heavens were he will look down upon us and guide and protect us. Dad we miss you tremendously. We will miss you every day forever as you were such an integral part of our family and lives however we will do our best to start celebrating your life and the great man you are as of today. Love you always and forever

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13 years ago

He will be sorely missed by all but most of all by those who will never know him like we did. This tribute is for our 2 children and those of his 2 wonderful sons who are yet to be born. If his life as a father was a taste of what was to come, the his grandchildren have missed someone truly remarkable in their lives. Norik always talked about all those wonderful events in live that were yet to come, buy his granddaughter her first icecream, being there for her first day at school, teaching her maths, swimming and so many other tings that were his passions in life. My father in law was a special man who's joy came from others enjoying their time with him, and those times were plenty when he was with us. I will remember him at every special ocassion and miss his wonderful presence! Until we meet again my friend. Love always Vick, Teni, Isabella & Alec

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Vigen and Farideh
13 years ago

He was a beloved husband and a caring father to his children. He was the rock. His friendship was sincere and unreserved. He was honest and trustworthy in every aspect of his life. He was a very fine human being and loved by everyone who knew him well. His sudden departure from this life shook his family and friends to the core. The grief that set in would last for some time yet to come. People say “time is the best healer for the pain of such a great loss”. It seems that time is so far away. We will cherish his memory for the rest of our lives. Until we meet again, rest in peace our friend. Vigen and Farideh

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13 years ago

If tears could build a stairway And thoughts a memory lane I'd walk right up to heaven and Bring you home again No Farewell words were spokWn No time to say good bye You were gone before I knew it And only God knows why.. I MISS YOU DAD

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13 years ago

The longer I wait to grasp the enormous impact of this tragic event, the harder it gets to accept it. It seems that Norik’s death defies the conventional wisdom that the time is healer! In deed the wound is so deep that it will take longer time to heal, much longer! I admired my brother-in-law and respected him for who he was and how he treated my sister and her family. Norik will be remembered by so many people that it is safe to say that he will never be forgotten! He has left behind a wonderful wife and beautiful children and grandchildren who will never stop reminding us about his great attributes, he has touched so many lives that his absence is felt greatly by so many but at the same time, he has left his marks everywhere we turn to remind us about his beautiful and loving memories from Tehran to Sydney, from Yerevan to Stepanakert, from London to Paris, and from San Francisco to Glendale! It seems that the entire Universe is mourning his death! Norik was taken instantly away from us and we had no time to prepare or say good bye, and the pain we all suffered on October 15th will be shared by all of his friends and loved ones. We all know how much he meant to us so we miss him even more but we all have great memories of him locked in our heart where we will save and cherish them for years to come! Norik jan, rest in peace!

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Nazar Gregorian
13 years ago

Dear Norik, I am aware of the recent circumstances but it is so difficult to accept. This is why I have decided to write a letter to you instead: Do you remember when we were first introduced to each other by these two gorgeous girls who had picked us up sometime in August 1970, they took us to a Vanak restaurant where we spent some three hours or so during which the girls never stopped giggling and laughing. The two of us were enjoying their hilarity with a puzzled delight and pleasure. Needless to say I took liking to you even though you were five years younger than me and a student. My impression was that you were a loving family man, and a reliable person. Our last get-together in August 2010, after forty years, we met up with the same two pretty girls at our sides. It was such a delightful and romantic dinner in Cast Away. The lights and stars were flickering but two shining stars were next to us. You toasted a drink to both of them and Ano called us the “crowns on our heads”. After forty years, you suggested that after our retirements we will have more time to see each other and enjoy life to the fullest, with the same hopeful enthusiasm and family loving spirit. During our times such as our work, kids’ birthdays, picnics, and all the New Year celebrations and occasions brought us all closer together. Remembering all these happy times are souvenirs so dear to me and impossible to forget. So you are very much alive for us all and I am certain you are watching over your children. You have worked very hard for your family by always providing comfort and better opportunities for them and always there for them consistently. You always have been dependably present for all your friends. Your friendship has always been an honor for your friends. You have always been a social pillar for all those who were around you even though you might not have thought so. I am proud to call you my close friend. Ano, Teni, Tadeh, Derik… you should be grateful and proud to having such a person who played many rolls in all of our lives such as a being a great husband, father, grandfather, and a friend. Nazar and Lida

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13 years ago

It was shocking news when I learned that Norik is no longer with us. Norik was a family man, a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. He was such a character that I can not forget. His thouhtfulness and manner will stay with me untill the rest of my life. Siranoosh

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13 years ago

I just wanted to say that I will miss you for ever. I will keep you in my heart for the rest of my life. I will always remember good time we had together during my childhood and when I was in Australia. I remember when I was 10.Every Friday morning my uncle was coming at our home to pick up my brother and I to drive to ARARAT club where we were playing Basket Ball. I remember Christmas time at home when he was coming with Anahid,Teni and Tadeh to celebrate Christmas at my home. I remember Hikashen where we spent a wonderful time for summer holiday together in 1983. I will keep all these beautiful moments for ever into my heart. Patricia , Emma and Baptiste remember the very good time we had together when we spent in 2008 our holiday Christmas at your home at Sydney. Thank you for everything and thank you very much to you and Anahid. I love her so much and my thoughts go to her. Love for ever and good bye. Karen Karamian Patricia, Emma and Baptiste join me in telling you goodbye. Love Karen Karamian

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13 years ago

Words cannot begin to explain our devastation when we learnt of the sudden and tragic loss of my beautiful father on Friday, 15 October 2010. The moment is etched in my memory like a bad dream from which there is no waking up. The shock of losing my amazing dad has left us all numbed with pain and debilitated with grief. My father was an amazing person who I was so proud to call my dad. Not only was he a wonderful father, but the closest friend and confidante. His difficult childhood and upbringing made my dad a very tough and determined person who valued education and family above everything in this world. His life revolved around his family and more recently his new grandchildren Isabella and Alec. I loved seeing the twinkle in his eyes when he was around Isabella and I could just watch him play with Isabella all day. Dad taught me the value of family and the unconditional love that you have for your family. He taught me how to be a good person and above all how to be a good parent, I learnt of the selflessness that comes with being a parent and the sacrifices you must make along the way. I will miss your daily telephone calls and our coffees in the city where you would walk across the whole city to meet me for a quick coffee and chat . Your death has left a gaping hole in my heart which will never be filled. Whilst your time on this earth was short, I am comforted that we enjoyed absolutely every minute we had together. I'm sure you are in a better place watching over us as our guardian angel. We will miss you so so very much. Your memory will be forever in our hearts and I promise you that Isabella and Alec will grow up with the same values that you instilled in all of us and that they will know what a wonderful man their grandfather was. Thank you for loving us and being such a wonderful father. Sleep tight until we meet again I love you so much Teni

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13 years ago

It was a shock of a life time, it was the saddest news, when we have found out about your such a sudden death. We still find hard to believe in that. You were a true gentleman, a person that it was always a pleasure to comunicate with, Vache used to call you an enciclopedia man. Your level of inteligence and your love towards your family should be used as an example for others.The high impression you have left on our family will never fade. Rest in peace, our dear Paron Norik, we will always love you, your place in this world is empty and it will always remain so. Elina and Vache Bogosian.

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Hrach and Ayda
13 years ago

On October 15, 2010 our lives were changed forever when Norik was tragically taken from us as a result of sudden Heart attack. Norik came to our life early 70’s, we loved and respected him as an older brother, and he made great contributions to our lives. He was dedicated and determined on his life, he graduated university by having rough roads ahead of him. This gave us hope and inspiration to achieve our goals. Norik was the rarest of people, his heart and soul were Ivory Soap pure. I always marveled at his apparent lack of the darker side many people have. His was a heart free of malice towards anyone or anything, a soul seemingly untouched by darkness of any sort. That’s what I will miss most of all, he was simply the kind of person we should all aspire to be, possessing a kindness of heart that is seemingly all too rare. So many good times, so many great memories flood my mind, I am drowning in sadness but I am forever lucky to have had Norik as my brother-in-law. I will go through life with a hole in my heart that was the special place I held for him, but will always take comfort in having known him and solace that in a sometimes cruel and heartless world true goodness exists. Norik, you fulfilled my sister’s life. We ache for the “Rest of your lives” that you both will never know as you thought it would be. Yet, we are so proud of you. You leave us now with the gift of knowing of your deep love for Ano and love that you have left for us all in Teni, Tadeh & Derrick. We promise to honor it. That’s who Norik was, a guy who embodied the best of humanity, the kind of person we should all aspire to be. This world and everyone touched by him is infinitely poorer from his loss but forever enriched at having known him. He was a Father, Husband, Grandfather and to me the oldest brother. All my days on Earth I will feel blessed by his memory and never forget Norik. "Norik; you still live in us, we feel you in the wind, you guide us constantly"

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13 years ago

While studying in London back in 79 I met up with Norik who was on a short business trip to London. Those days it was a rarity to see a family member from home, I was so thrilled! I had just started dating my husband Bedros then and during our conversation I showed him Bedros's photo . He looked at it and in his usual gentlemanly clear voice said "Hermik, is he Armenian?" to which I replied "yes, of course he is" He then laughed and said "He is a good looking man, I am sure he is a good guy too! I approve!" Years later Bedros and I had the pleasure of Norik and Ano's short stay with us in London. Although that was the only time my husband ever met Norik , the impression he made on my husband will never fade. I myself will always remember him as the true gentleman he was. We pray for him to rest in peace and for my dearest cousin Ano and her children to have the strength to carry on... Love you all. Hermineh

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