Pam was the most loving, thoughtful, funny and creative person I have ever encountered.....she has been my mentor for the last 28 years, the one person who knew me better than anyone and who loved me unconditionally in spite of it, someone I could always call on no matter what and who never ceased to amaze me with her compassion and generosity.
Pam's passing has left behind an unimaginable void in the lives of many people and she will never ever be forgotten. We are all better people for having shared our lives with her.
I will miss you forever Pam xxxxx

Pam was a great aunt. I remember when I was a kid she would draw star wars pictures and make things for my games or projects and all she would ask for in return was for me to draw pictures on her back with my finger. As I got older she would still do all those things, but for free! She was always willing to help out in her spare time and would always offer helpful advise when needed. I love and admire her very much and she will be greatly missed by us all. Corey, Fiona, Callum, Riley, Cooper and Finn

In memory of Pam MIlbourn. Pam was a great Aunt, forever helpful to all. A Great artist, she painted the kids bedroom murals, made cabinets, helped with power tools and anything that required a handy person. Will be missed by all, Love Kristine, Anthony, Jesse & Winona

Pam was a great artist and had excellent carpentry skills. She was a good friend, regular visitor and we will all miss her.