One of favorite memories of Aunty Peka is one in Hawaii. We lived in Laie on Naniloaloop and there was Packard, Nii, Howard & Jaddy. I don't think Maggie was here yet. However, she walks to our front door with all her four kids one Saturday morning and says "Good Morning, Family!!!" I said "Hi Aunty Peka. You guys are just in time for breakfast." and her reply was "That's exactly why we're here" Aunty Peka, thank you so much for always bringing spirituality everytime our Samoa family met. You always reminded the family of the love our Savior has for us and the love we should give in return. Your testimony never faultered even that time when my father came to visit and sang "Oh what a beauitful morning" on a Sunday morning and you said "It's not a church song" Way to stand up to your older I also remember your visit here to Utah. You saw me, a single mother, with my children and then reached into your purse and pulled out cash. I was not seeking or expecting it anything. That meeting brought me to tears. Thank you so much for loving your nieces and nephews as your son and daughters. Please say hi to Mom and tell the rest of the family I'll be seeing them soon. I love you. Suini

Hello my beloved sister, Peka Bertha.... It was Thursday, last year, 11/6/08, that we received the phone call at around 6am, that you left us and move to the beautiful spirit world to greet everyone there! We had just finished cleaning up at around 3am, the apartment we lived in and moved to our new home, when we received the call. We missed you, but I am very jealous too, but grateful that you are there with my precious Bertha, and of course all our beloved family members.....Eventhough we miss you here, it sure gives me comfort that Bertha's other mom is there with her.....Thank you my sister for being a wonderful loving mother and aunt to our precious Bertha...I know you are having a wonderful reunion there......Well, I do miss our loooooong phone conversations, especially when you start talking to your children and carrying on conversation with them, while I'm hanging on the phone.....Your phone etiquette is sooooooooooo fired! hehehehehe!!....but I love you still, and sure miss your phone calls......I wish I had the chance to speak at your family funeral service.....You know I had to cook the sweet and sour and of course I had to clean up everybody's mess, before I cook....We didn't even sleep the whole night, with Failalo and Liz...but eventhough, I was able to make it to the service, but the time was up for the family to speak, I was glad I didn't miss it......anyway, your brother-in-law and I were just so glad that we made it to your services. We were so broke, after the purchase of our home, but lucky enough we still had the rent money to pay our last rent, and so we used it to pay our fares.....We were so sorry, we didn't have money to give to your beloved husband, to help out, but all we wanted is to be there in person. I knew you would felt the same way.....I hope you didn't mind your brother, when he spoke a lot about Bertha at your funeral service; he was meant to compare her to you and in the same manner you both went thru and endured to the end, but he concluded before he mentioned you and the memories he has of you. If you remembered, he never spoke a word about his daughter at her funeral services.....and so maybe when he spoke again, whoever is going to be the next to come there, he will probably spoke about you......but he loves you so, you know that......and I love you too......Thank you again for your great example and being just a loving beautiful me and your hard headed loving brothers!!!...We love you all, please take care of my baby! Our never ending, eternal love to all of you there, our beloved family......I love you mifi! (you always call me that, when you call, whatever that word means!!)......Love you forever and ever.......! Your loving eternal sister....Julia Samoa

Ha ha ha...I guess I should title this cooking by myself while mom tells me what to do. That's the best way to teach someone to cook I guess, by having them do most of the work. Mom would say something like, "I want to make soup tonight." That would be followed by, "Kuka, will you put a pot of water on the stove please?" Then later it would be, "Kuka, will you cut the vegetables?", "Kuka, wash a cup of rice and put it in the pot", "Kuka, add salt and pepper to the soup", "Kuka, is the soup finished?" Yeah, she was a great cook. I guess she made up her own saying, "Give a man chicken, feed him for a day. Teach him the many ways to COOK chicken, feed him for a lifetime. Teach him how to teach others the many ways to COOK chicken, feed NATIONS!!" I love you MOM!! Thanks for teaching me how to cook...and everything else too!

I remember growing up where we had to sing in the ward matter how old we were...we even sang before we had morning and evening prayers. I'll write more later when I can see the screen. I love you mom.