If we could have a lifetime wish
and one dream that could come true
We would pray to God with all our
hearts just to see and speak to you
A thousand words won’t bring you back
We know because we’ve tried
and neither will a million tears
We know because we’ve cried
You’ve left behind our broken hearts
and precious memories too
But we’ve never wanted memories
We only wanted you

God's finger touched him, and he slept
I love you always

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal

A family chain is broken A voice we love is still A place is vacant is our homes that no one can ever filled
Missing you sooooo much

God knows best even though we don't understand. To Shondell, baby Richona and mother Annette keep the faith and cherish the good times you shared together. We will keep you in our prayers.

Cous ur gone only god know y but the love i have for u will live on forever iam going to miss u but i will never forget u GONE TO SOON R.I.P RICHARD BYE UNTILL THEN LOVE U ALWAYS.