i remember he always had his milk and small bag of nacho cheese doritos. I really remember when he protected Crystal and I in a Big thunderstorm, I think we were babysitting at the time. Anyways, when the thunder would roar, we would scream and grab onto Roy. But all he could do is laugh at us because we were SO SO scared. It was fun, he kept us safe!!!! Just like he is now!! watching over his loved ones!!

I only remember him as a boy about 8, as we were all kids at time. Funny thing tho, I do remember he liked milk a whole lot and I have a fond memory of him sitting with us on the stairs and almost fell over and I caught him by the leg. I'm so sorry for your loss and may he rest in peace!

Spending the summer's with the family, I remember Roy was always happy, and the only time he would cry was if he wanted more milk, needed to be changed, or wanted another balloon. Not any different from our babies. I remember Crystal was always taking care of him like no other, you were faithful in doing that Crystal and God is going to bless you for it. We reap what we sow, and you did good! As long as we have Jesus in our hearts we WILL be meeting with Roy again!! Love you

Oh my where to begin! Everytime I would go to ur house Roy would just be so happy to see me...He knew me well. He was funny. He loved u Crys just the way he would lite up as u entered the room, he knew how much u loved him. Miss u Roy but ur in a much better place now and ur our Angel in Heaven just as u were here on earth love u Roy...

My the Lord keep you in his hands R.I.P Roy tell My Son & Dad I Love them