Russ and I worked together on reconciling Federal Government accounts. I could always count on Russ to address any issues/concerns and bring to closure. My only regret is I never got the opportunity to me Russ in person. He will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Wenzel family.

Russ came into my life in 1991 when Tom Gibbons and he hired me at Kodak as a sales engineer. Was a blast from day 1. I lived in TN my first year and these guys would come visit me every few months. We learned how to order bbq from the locals and play the spoons on our knees at the local country music hotspots. Of course while having a few cold "pops". Good times...
After that first year, Russ gave me a big oppt... one which started my career in sales... and for that I am truly grateful. Russ mentored me during those early days with lots of encouragement, support and some good old needling as well. I worked for Russ till 1996 when I left Kodak. I consider those 5 years some of the best days of my life.
Since then, we hadn't spoken much but exchanged holiday cards every year to keep in touch.
Russ will be missed. He was a bright spot in anyone's life.
Missy, Scott and Steven - we are praying for you.

I worked with Russ for a few years, we became business friends and have kept in touch over the years. We spent a few days together at a trade show a few years ago in New Orleans. After a few days with Russ I felt like I knew him and his family. He talked with pride about his family. I guess God needed some good guys. My thoughts and prayers are with the Wenzel family.

It had been more than 10 years since I had talked with Russ. Then when I joined LinkedIn, I saw Russ' information through another former Kodak employee's profile and quickly sent a connection request. I was pleased when he responded, gave me his phone number and told me to call him anytime. I did and we must've talked for half-an-hour, catching up on the time that had past since we worked together at Kodak. When I told him that I had recently been 'downsized' out of a job, he immediately offered to help in anyway he could. He was a fine gentleman. To the family, please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your loss. "Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis."

I first met Russ when we became neighbors in 1986. We were charter members of the Treaty Oak neighborhood. I guess I saw him about everyday until he and Missy moved a couple of years ago. He was a friend, neighbor, and an all around good guy. I heard of his passing on Sunday and I still can't believe that he's been so tragically taken from his family and friends. But I am confident that, somewhere, he's still jogging at 6:00am - just to show me up! God bless you Russ.

My Thoughts and Prayers go out to the entire Wenzel Family~ I never had the opportunity to meet Russ but we worked very closely together on the Government accounts at Konica Minolta (Danka), he was my "Go To Man" when I had any questions or needed assistance, he was always willing to help and always made me laugh. No matter what the situation was, he did what he could to help and always did it with a Happy Heart. I will truly miss him and his wonderful Spirit. Missy, Scott, Steven, and the rest of the Wenzel family...I pray the Lord gives you peace and comfort in this time of sorrow. You are in my prayers~
Gina Bray

I was saddened this week to hear of the passing of a true gentleman. Russ and I where business associates who became friends while working on the same management team for DANKA. I can say that I'm a better man for having known him. My deepest condolences are with the entire Wenzel family.
"Russ my friend rest in peace"

I saw Russ approximately 6 months ago, when some of our "Kodak family" got together in Bethesda. I was so happy to see Russ and his beautiful smile.
I commented to him that his handsome camel coat reminded me of a coat he had worn 15 years ago, when we worked together at Kodak. He laughed and told me that he had exercised and he was able to fit back into his beloved camel coat that he had worn 15 years ago! Our 'Kodak family" has very strong ties. Russ and I talked, and he recently assisted me with a request. I am forever grateful. There is a real bond with all of us "Kodakers" and I truely believe that we are an extended family...we support one another. I will never forget the great sense of humor, the fantastic business sense, the warm smile and the kindness, that Russ always shared with others. When I saw Russ recently, I also remembered how he always wore a special cross (or medallion) around his neck. I was thinking to myself that day, that as long as I knew him, he always wore that necklace, and he was a man of strong faith.
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the Wenzel family. You are in my thoughts
and prayers.
Blessings and comfort to you all,
Jeanne Hooks

I only lived on Treaty Oak Ct in Fairfax with Russ and Missy for about 9 years. However, I believe that I saw Russ out jogging every single morning (except when he was out of town)....rain, snow, sleet or heat. He was so dedicated to running the cul-de-sacs, although I honestly do not believe he changed his pace during the entire 9 years! He always had a cheery hello for, no matter how early in the morning it was. Missy, Scott and Stephen, I am so sad for you. A loss of a loved one is never easy to bear. I am glad, however, to have met you all and Russ, and I know you have many great memories of him. The Sprout family holds all of you in our hearts.

My first conversaton with Russ ealier this year left me awed at the insite and compassion he had in personal and business matters. I knew I wanted to be around him. I'm blessed that God would put him near me as a business associate and friend. I will surely miss him and never forget his kind personality in all matters. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and I pray that you find comfort that others love and appreciated your husband and father as much as yourselves.

I wish to offer my sincere condolences to the entire Wenzel family. I only knew Russ as a business associate, but in the short amount of time I knew Russ he was always there to offer advice and share his life’s experiences when we were together. I know he will be greatly missed by his friends and family.
There isn’t much to add to this at the moment. Russ certainly was an influence and imparted some important lessons on how to do what we do in this business and will be missed. May his soul rest in peace.

Russ was a good friend and through him, I gained another good friend in Missy. I cannot begin to express my sorrow. What helps is to remember Russ’s brilliant sense of humor. It makes me smile just thinking of it. My heart goes out to Missy, Scott, Stephen and other family members. You are in my prayers.

GOD always answers prayers. My prayer is that the PEACE of GOD which we cannot comprehend is upon Missy, thier 2 "joys" , thier family and friends.
Russ was a solid addition to our sales team at Danka who I am sorry to say I never made enough time to get to know. Our phone conversations were terrific and frienship building. I was looking forward to visiting him on the next college run to Virginia with my son and daughter. This was a shock and a great loss. Wonderful and stable people are a joy to us all, Russ will be missed by all of us. Thank you, FATHER in heaven for the time we were able to have with your son.

I wish to offer my sincere condolences to the entire Wenzel family. I only knew Russ as a business associate, but in the short amount of time I knew Russ he was always there to offer advice and share his life’s experiences when we were together. I know he will be greatly missed by his friends and family.

Ron Graham and I worked for Russ for almost 10 years but we will miss Russ like a brother rather than a boss. As Ron mentioned Russ came up from DC to travel with us in Upstate, NY frequently. He was a saleman's Sales Manager. The more he came up the more deals we closed, the more fun we had and the closer we got. Russ came up to Rochester a winter ago and suggested Ron and I come down and stay with him and Missy at the cottage for a weekend over the summer with our wives. I wish we took him up on his offer. My heart aches for his family and for the person and friend that Ron and I will miss forever.

Russ gave me the opportunity on my first job out of college with AGS. He truly made me feel comfortable at the company and made sure that I was satisfied and happy everyday there. After he left AGS, it never felt the same and I left shortly after. From there, I would keep in contact with Russ and we would meet up occasionally for lunch. He always talked about his family and you could tell how much he loved them. Russ was truly an inspiration to me and a great mentor. I will miss him very much! I wish his wife and two sons the best during this difficult time and my prayers are with them. To the greatest boss I have ever known!!

Russ and I worked together for a number of years at AGS. As all of you that know Russ he was more than a boss or co-worker he was a friend. I
He always looked out for the people he knew and welcomed them into his life. I pray that the lord takes Russ under his wing and that he gives his family the strength to endure the days until they are reunited. I know when my time comes that he'll be waiting for me at the pearly gates, with a big smile and open arms as he always did.

Our dad was a hilarious man. Always made us smile, laugh and feel loved. We love and miss you more than you can imagine. January 29, 1951 - July 25, 2009

Dear Wenzel Family, My heart is truly breaking for your loss. It's been since the early 1970's since I last saw Russ and it appears a hole new generation has grown-up. It seems like he just got married a few years ago. I hope he and Grandpa Wenzel are right now having a Zero bar together. If any of the family is interested in getting in touch, please feel free to contact me at 706 332-6718. I'll keep Russ in my thoughts, Melissa, you in my prayers and hopes that no more tragedies happen in the family. Thank you, Lori Sneddon Clair.

I was hired at AGS in White Plains, MD in 2005 as the Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Sales, which happened to be Russ. I worked for him for 2 years until I left the company on maternity leave. He was such a wonderful boss and I always remember his kindness, professionalism, and his devotion to making all this associates feel as if they were part of a family. He always made sure my day ended with a smile, even when he knew it was a hard day at the office. He just cared that much about his employees. I really did enjoy working for him, more than any other boss. He was one of those people that you felt comfortable with from the beginning. Speaking with him on occasion about his family, I immediately saw how much he loved his family and was proud of them! My deepest sympathies and prayers will continue to be for his family during this most difficult time. God Bless him, his family, and everyone who ever knew him.

We will always remember seeing Russ out there running with his head held high. He always smiled and said hello. He and Bernie used to talk about needing to run because they loved to eat. We also remember how he loved to tease our youngest son Kevin. Russ would be sitting on the porch and Kevin would ride his bike around in the cul-de-sac. Russ would say to him, "give me that bike, that's not your bike". Kevin would answer something funny like "asta livista baby" to him. Russ thought that was the funniest thing, and he really enjoyed teasing Kevin, and Kevin didn't mind a bit. Russ was a very nice man, and he will be greatly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with Missy, Scott, and Steven, and the rest of the family.
Roberta, Bernie, Chris and Kevin Hawco

Russ and Missy were our wonderful neighbors for 20 years!
Russ was kind, thoughtful, reliable, and always quick with a smile or wave hello. Our prayers for the Wenzel family are for strength in mind, body and spirit.
Did you know Russ was "Batman"? I remember Russ coming over to my house to get a bat that had somehow come inside. I would not touch it and since my husband was out of town, Russ came to the rescue. Russ was someone you could count on.
I will always remember Russ running outside every day rain or shine-and I thought ' I should do that' (but I didn't). I admired Russ for his discipline.
I remember Russ keeping his lawn looking really nice and he seemed to mow it alot. I would use him as an excuse to get my kids to mow our lawn! I'd say 'Mr Wenzel mowed his lawn, one of you kids need to mow our lawn and keep up with Mr Wenzel!' Many years ago, one of my boys mowed our lawn and Russ hadn't mowed his, so my son came inside and proudly said 'I beat Mr Wenzel!"
Missy and Russ never knew this so I'll tell them now..... Russ and Missy went on vacation a year or so after we all moved in to our houses. Their lawn got REALLY long. We didn't care, but we wanted to pull a joke so we mowed the letters 'HI' in the front lawn. (Hope this makes you smile Missy.)
We will miss Russ but have fond memories of talking in the court, shoveling snow all the way down the street after being snowed in for days, July 4th fireworks, kickball with the kids, Couples Bunco and many others.
Scott and Lynn Takane

Russ was a great boss and a good friend. All thouhgt we had not talked in several years we had some great times for the three years I worked for him in DC. He rescued us from Rochester. I think back to taking the family to the Prince William Cannons game and watching the fire works with the family. We even rented wrestlemania pay per view at the house for the kids. Making 100% club and kicking back with Russ and Missy at club.
Russ was one of the good guys who we will all miss.
Missy, Scott and Steven our prayers are with you.

Russ was truly a shining star .... He would light up a room with his warmth, great smile, his laughter and kindness! He was a great friend, loving husband and very proud father.
We are so saddened by his loss and although we hadn't seen Russ in some time, we still consider him a very special person in our lives.
Missy, our thoughts and prayers are with you, Scott and Steven at this time.

Russ was my boss when we worked for Kodak a number of years back. We had a great relationship and had a lot of fun and kept in touch over the years. Mike Condon, also worked for Russ and was a very good friend of Russ and I . The 3 of us would have so much fun when he came up from DC to see us in Rochester, NY. Mike was the sales guy and I was the engineer and worked as a team. Russ was a great leader and really left us alone because we were successful. I would like to tell one of the many stories while the three of us where at Kodak.
From time to time, Russ would travel with us to our customer accounts. On one occasion, I drove my car to buffalo and we stopped to for lunch. Mike took his car keys out and set them on the table. While he wasn't looking, I took them. On the way back to Rochester, he realized he left them on the table (but of course, I had them). Russ and I had such a good time at Mike's expense when we called the restaurant and they agreed to overnight Mike's keys to his home address. So Mike was really bummed and we went to a bar in Rochester for a drink. While Mike was in the bathroom, Russ ask a random girl to tell Mike that she found these keys and just hold them up. Mike immediately recognized the keys and stood there for several seconds trying to figure out what happened and how see got his keys. Russ and I are rolling on the floor, laughing at Mike's reaction. The 3 of us talked about that for years. What great times we had. We always worked hard and played hard.
Russ will be missed and remembered,
Ron Graham and Mike Condon

Sometimes people are part of your life and you do not realize how much they impacted you until you can't tell them. Russ was a good friend and mentor. He gave me opportunities when I didn't even recognize that they were there. He always made me believe in myself even when I'm sure he didn't think it was warranted. Our friendship and business relationship spanned over 20 years. I hadn't talked to Russ in about a year and I can't tell you how many times I thought about making the call.
Russ was funny, could deliver and take a joke, was a good businessman, a very proud father and a loving husband. He was a good friend and I will miss him, as will many others.
Missy, our prayers are with you.

~An Empty Chair For The Holidays~
The holiday table will now be set, prepared with such special care,
All the placments will be ready, oh and one empty chair...
Gifts meant for Russell, would have been wrapped, a fruit basket of pears,
One yellow ribbon's been added, oh and one empty chair..
Beneath the tree during future holidays, filled with lights, will lie presents to share, covered in wrappings and such, oh and one empty chair...
Enough eggnog and cookies, just to be fair,
A hug and best wishes to all, oh and one empty chair..
Memories of loved ones, a sole plaintive stare,
Reflecting on Russ and his special gifts, yes and one empty chair..
~Richard William Rudow~
Loving Memory Of Russ Wenzel
CHS High Shchool Classmate, 1969

I am very sorry to hear the loss of Russell. My thoughts and prayers go out to Russell and his family. He will be missed by everyone.
Ed and Pat Kershner
15 years agoFrank Mack, Melodee Mack, Ed Kershner, Pat Kershner, Missy, Russ at Sandals Royal in Feb. 2009
15 years agoWish I'd been with them!