Remembered for introducing first african
american female to model his designs.
Remembered for the inspirational mentor
he became for so many other designers.
He gave true beauty unlike any other.
God bless him.

great fashion designer, !
inspiration for million others!

He was one of the first designers to allow the models of the Ebony Fashion Fair to model his designs. Saint Laurent was one of the most influential designers of our time. There will never be another like him. I am thankful for the mark he has left upon us.

True beauty never dies. Merçi Monsieur St. Laurent pour toutes ces créations sublimes.

such elegance, such style, thank you for fashion.

For making me feel good in my blue jeans, or in a black skirt and jumper, arm in arm with the man I love.
Merci Monsieur.

You will always be the 'BEST' in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless You xxoxx.................!
RICHARD MARK LENNIE............................!

I remember being a child in the 70s and it was all about Yves Saint Laurent and Halston in our house. I have great memories of coming home after a hard day of elementry school, laying on my mother's gigantic king-sized bed that was covered from pillow to bed skirt with Opium bed linens and devouring her copies of WWD and her international fashion magazines. Thank you for contributing your imagination and inspiration to the world. Your contributions showed a little girl from Oakland, CA that it was possible to dream big and make those dreams a reality. Thank you.

Yves Saint Laurent has just passed away. He was a innovative fashion designer. I created this tribute in honor of his life and work.

Yves Saint Laurent has just passed away. He was a innovative fashion designer. I created this tribute in honor of his life and work.

You were a true king. The work, inspiration and beauty you left behind will never be forgotten.

film d'animation par doudouboy

Commercial for YSL Paris perfume. Je t'aime, je t'aime.

Yves Saint Laurent
Franchi Lopez
16 years agoYves Saint Laurent, We'll miss one of the greatest designer ever lived. Thank you for inspirtating me at FIT 1980's. What memory, I'll never forget you. Franchi