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17 years ago

Das erste Mal sah ich dich in "10 Dinge die ich an dir hasse..", seit diesem Moment wollte ich mehr von Dir sehen! Deine Schauspielkunst und Dein Lächeln berührten mich und inspirieten mich im Umgang mit anderen Menschen.Es ist schwer vorstellbar Dich nie wieder auf der Leinwand sehen zu dürfen! Mein herzlichstes Beileid deiner kleinen Mathilda ,deiner Familie und deinen Freunden. Machs gut da wo du jetzt bist. Goodbye

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17 years ago

I'm french but i try to talk in english I hope that it's not true but it's real peace for him and courage for his family , his daughter et her mother Michelle Williams

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17 years ago

We'll nerver forget you... R.I.P.

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17 years ago

i ciągle zastanawiam sie czemu już go nie ma...[*]

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17 years ago

We 're gonna miss you so much!!! You were the best actor !I'm never gonna forgive you because of your great touching acting !!! I love you ...

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17 years ago

Un petit message de France, j'ai d'ailleurs cru comprendre que ta maman le parlais couramment. Tu nous a fait rêver dans des films et désormais tu as rejoins le ciel. Bon courage Nico

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17 years ago

Non ti abbiamo mai conosciuto di persona ma la notizia della tua morte ci ha commosso tanto...ti vogliamo bene

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17 years ago

I'll never forget you man i will go to see you in the dark knight. All fans around the world have thoughts for you and your familiy Rest In Peace

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17 years ago

I liked the way you said "Ennis del Mar". Sure, you've got quite an accent. Well, so long, brother, I'll be happy to meet you in next life. Best Regards.

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17 years ago

Un ange est monté soudainement au ciel...

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17 years ago

Heath was amazing in "A Knight's Tale" I've "loved" him since "10 Things I hate about you" and I look forward to seeing him in the next Batman movie. He's very talented and his death was very untimely and sad. God bless his family and friends.

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17 years ago

spero tu possa riposare in mancherai tantissimo...

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17 years ago

We will never forget you, Heath.

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17 years ago

Hope you're in a better place now. R.I.P Heath. :-(

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17 years ago

you were the best!

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17 years ago

will always love him. for brokeback mountain, for casanova, for everything. for smile, for eyes, for talent.

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17 years ago

If anyone could know what was happening behind the most beautiful actor ever.

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17 years ago

One of my favorite actor. I've seen you the first time in Knight's Tale. And I loved the role you played in Brokeback Mountain. You will always be in my heart. I will remember you forever.

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17 years ago

It's so sad that he's gone now. He was great actor....

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17 years ago

you will be in our harts

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17 years ago

One of my favorite actors. I watch a Knights Tale all the time. I will miss your awesome movies. You were one of the best!!

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17 years ago

Always loved your roles. You will always be remembered.

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17 years ago

A talented and beautiful man taken way too soon. My heart goes out to his family, to Michelle, and to Matilda, as well as to all of his heartbroken fans. We will miss you forever.

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17 years ago

Buon viaggio e buona fortuna...ovunque andrai...

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17 years ago

It is really sad that it has to end this way. My prayers are with you journey brother!

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17 years ago

I know it's difficult to accept what life gives us despite our attempts to transform it how we want... but You left us much more that many people leave in more years... You'll be always in my heart... You were great!!

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17 years ago

Type your memory in this box and click Next"losing U means so much to me,but I know ur in heaven now...I will see the rainbow always, & i know ir there..."

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17 years ago

You were a great actor "ONE OF THE BEST! My heart goes out to your Daughter Matilda,family and friends. May you rest in Peace. I kind of wonder if you didn't take on the demanding role as The Joker if you would still be with us but God has givin you a better stage' you will never be forgotten''''

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17 years ago

Au revoir ... C'est une bien triste nouvelle et toutes mes condoléances à la famille

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17 years ago

Type your memory in this box and click Next

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17 years ago

Type your memory in this box and click Next

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17 years ago

i saw him first in the patriot and just loved him he was too good i will miss him badly may his soul rest in peace

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17 years ago

adesso sei libero... senza piu pensieri, senza piu paure, solo libero... i tuoi fil mi hanno fatto provare nuove emozioni, piangere ridere riflettere... te ne sei andato troppo non per questo la gente ti dimenticherà, anzi ti terrà sempre giovane e sorridente nei propri cuori... addio...

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17 years ago

eri un grande attore, sembravi anche una bella persona "dentro".... Un abbraccio, ovunque tu sia, dall'Italia.

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17 years ago

What a Man, when i first saw 10 things i hate about you i fell in love with Health i thought wow we have found someone who is all that and more. Now we have lost an amazing actor who could brighten up my day when i was sad or whatever. God Bless you Health Ledger for coming into our lives, And my you Rest with no nightmares now.

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17 years ago

you are a great actor and will never be forgotten. You will live on in the movies you made that truely amazed me. I wish i could have known you or maybe even met you to tell you how amazing you really are. I can't explain why someone i don't know and will never know affected me so much in both life and death. That makes you a truely great person

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17 years ago

What a wondeerful Actor. I became a fan of this amazing man when i went to see Broke Back Mt. I cryed alot that day.That movie really moved me. I truly believed every thing that i saw. I do not believe that anyone could have played that role as good as Heith. As a fan i will miss you . I am truly sorry for your loved ones,and your beautiful daughter that will miss her daddy. Rest in peace. Tina

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17 years ago

Its amazing how someone I dont know's death can hurt so bad. I am deeply sorry for his family and friends, mainly his daughter. God speed Heath, you were the man. Best role to date, Peter Gabriel, The Patriot.

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17 years ago

A great tragedy for his daughter, family, friends, fans and the film/movie industry...I have been a huge fan since "10 Things I Hate About You" (one of my favourite movies to this day)! He will be greatly missed, & remembered as a truly unique & great actor! R.I.P Heath

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17 years ago

Its amazing how someone I dont know's death can hurt so bad. I am deeply sorry for his family and friends, mainly his daughter. God speed Heath, you were the man. Best role to date, Peter Gabriel, The Patriot.

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17 years ago

Heath has always been one of my favorite actors! My all time favorite movie he was in was "10 Things I Hate About You." I was so sad to hear about him passing, atleast he is not suffering from any sicknesses or depression anymore! He will always be remembered as a heart throb, a cutie, and one of the funniest actors. (To me and many of his fans atleast!) My heart goes out to his family! They are all in my prayers and thoughts. His Body may not be here physically but his sould does live on. RIP Heath Ledger!

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17 years ago

Heath was truely an actors actor. RIP

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17 years ago

when i first seen you in the movie "10 things i hate about you" i thought you were beautiful... and your daughter Matilda is just as beautiful as you are..

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17 years ago

You will always be remembered as an actor who took chances, lived according to his convictions and placed family before career. You are sorely missed. Rest in peace.

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17 years ago

You were a great actor and I loved you since the first time I saw "ten things I hate about you" My heart goes out to your family 'cause I was hurt and I never personally new you. That is the effect you had on our nation with your acting. Rest In Peace

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17 years ago

I'M FREE Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free I'm following the path God laid for me. I took his hand when I heard His call I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day To laugh, to love to work or play. Tasks left undone must stay that way I found that peace at the close of the day. If my parting has left a void, Then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, Oh, yes, these things I too will miss. Be not burdened with times of sorrow. I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life's been full, I savored much. Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief. Don't lengthen it now with undo grief. Lift up your hearts and share with me God wanted me now, He set me free.

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17 years ago

As a teenage girl, my first memory of you was your role in "10 Things I Hate About You". You were truly a great actor & loved by many.Your beaming smile & wonderful charisma will always be remembered. My thoughts and prayers are with your family, Michelle, and your little girl; whom you adored so very much. May you find an eternal peace in your resting place.

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Robert Neville
17 years ago

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17 years ago

Heath on the set of his final film, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus with Lily Cole. I truly hope this movie eventually gets made and is dedicated to Heath. Rest in eternal peace, Heath.

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17 years ago

Love the clothes, he was so unique and so hot.

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17 years ago

good Dream

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17 years ago

My dream is as big as yours

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17 years ago

He looks so tired! RIP Heath.

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17 years ago

last film he was in..... he didnt even finish it eather we miss u heath.... untill i meat u when i die mucho hugs and mucho kisses bye :,l

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Camilla Lasandre
17 years ago

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17 years ago

I just love this picture They look so..Cool :) <3

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17 years ago

che peccato..eri un sogno!

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

so sad! RIP!

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17 years ago

I will forever miss your gorgeous face, smile.....Rest in Peace!! It was wayyyyy to early for your time to go.....You will be remembered.

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17 years ago

Era más bello que el sol!!! que injusta es la vida a veces...Descansa en Paz querido Heath...

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17 years ago

Love this one, Heath with his little angel.

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17 years ago

Rest in peace, Heath. God Bless Michelle and Matilda.

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17 years ago

To bolo priskoro opustit svojich najmilsich, ktory " TA" milovali ,zabavali,smiali a tesili sa z Tvojej pritomnosti.Velmi smutne, ze mala Matilda uz nebude vyrastat v "TVOJOM" naruci a neuciti "TVOJ DOTYK LASKY". Life is good-but for you was to short.I will miss you forever " Rest in peace ".

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17 years ago

He was a perfect dad to matilda.. i wish he could have watch her grow up. It is sad...

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17 years ago

przepiekne zdjecie / He looks so happy on this picture

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17 years ago

God bless his baby girl he will forever be watching over her

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17 years ago

Any picture with Heath and Matilda hurts to look at because you can see the love he had for her. She will never really know her fathers love, and that's the worst part. He looks like he is at his happiest when he is with her.

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17 years ago

they should've had a son... heath's parents should work on having another son

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17 years ago

gracie who are you to say such things god gave us matilda he had a reasson for giving heath and michelle a girl never say such thinhg im quit sure the leadgers are in enough grief as it is shame on you GRACIE and god forgive you I LONE YOU HEATH

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17 years ago

he realy loved her

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17 years ago

Como pode alguém tão distante do meu universo fazer tanta falta. Foi uma perda trágica.Sinto muito sua falta.

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16 years ago

Heath and loving...I trust Michelle , family & friends are loving her so much she will not starve emotionally. Her spirit is Heath carrying her. just like the picture portrays. She will know her father through the stories about who he was when on earth. Heath you left a legacy through your passion for your craft , Life and the Love you felt for Michelle , Matilda and your Parents, Siblings , Friends and Fans Peace, My Beautiful Guardian Angel

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Meih So
17 years ago

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17 years ago

Um ator brilhante, super pai. Curtia d+ sua filhota.

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17 years ago

He was an especial person, a very talent actor and a good father. It's a tragedy, I'm very sad with his dead. But I believe he's an angel now and God is with him, great people goes to heaven and Heath was a good person. God bless his family and his soul.

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17 years ago

Oh my Gosh!, she is a mini Heath.

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17 years ago

I'm so sad with your death Heath. I think about your family and the persons who know you very well, your relatives, Michele, and your daughter Matilda. I hope they will find strengh to live without you. Now you're still a star but now you're in the sky.

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17 years ago

pozostaniesz świetny i niezastąpiony. spoczywaj w spokoju

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17 years ago

i feel so bad for michelle at this time ,she has to look at their daughter and be remembered of heath's face every second ,but at the same time it will put a smile on her face to think of all the beautiful memories he gave her god please be with heath;s family at this heartbreaking time in their life we miss you heath...

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17 years ago

eu sou projecionista do cinema de ilheus BA vai fazer falta este ator seua trabalhos que nos mostrar o oque e transender no mundo! ele vai continuar nas nossas memoria e em seus

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17 years ago

Oh how precious

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17 years ago

It was very strange the way he died, the drug in his blood was too low to cause his death, If you believe in spiritual life like the Evil and Good, Hell and heaven ! Someting tells me that his case was spiritual he played the dark knife invovating the evil to his life so it came and took his life way! he should not had done it!

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17 years ago


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17 years ago

It is clear what type of father he was. Look how secure Matilda is. She holds her daddy with such surety. This says it all about Heath. Now he can watch over her from where ever he is. Miss you always.

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17 years ago

Isn't it great to see such a wonderful relationship so early on in Matilda's life? I can only hope that my future children will have as close a bond with their father. Heath, may Matilda feel your love and presence for her now and every second of every day for the rest of her life. Miss you so much, Heath!!

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17 years ago

WOW, Matilda looks just like her daddy. I wish nothing but the best for her and her mom and the rest of his family! R.I.P. Heath we love you

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17 years ago

When i look at this picture i see alot of love. Like everybody says, she is a mini-Heath. :) We miss u Heath, i can´t stop thinking of you, and to know that u are gone forever it´s heartbreaking. I hope u look after your little angel Matilda. Rest in peace Heathcliff Andrew Ledger. <3

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17 years ago

this is my favorite picture of Heath and his daughter we all will miss u idk why he died tho.... its so complicated to say why n e one would do this so much love Heath, miss u, and good bye

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17 years ago

May God touch Matildas heart ,let her remeber her daddy as a great and loving father that he was.

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17 years ago

amen cassie L

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17 years ago

This kid has a similar way to his father had.....i don't know why...but she seems that activ like him......God bless this beautiful little angel, her mummy and Heath family....

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16 years ago

This pics feels as if she is begging him: "Dont ever leave me". Well he never will, His taking care of her from heaven, and with alot of help (from Angels and all of us, who are constanly remainds that he TOUCHED MANY SOULS. May the grace and love of JESUS CHRIST be with HIM , Matilda and all family U are higly loved...........

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