You were a fantastic actor,a beautiful person, and i am sorry for the loss to your family. May you rest in their hearts, and the hearts of the world forever. We love you and miss you Heath!

Segue o teu caminho pois a tua semente já está plantada: Matilda! Brilha por onde estiveres agora!

A handsome, sweet guy. Rest in peace, dear Heath.

Nunca esqueceremos você, espero que esteja em um lugar melhor! Meu apoio a todos so familiares, adoramos você Heath. Descanse em Paz! S2

o tempo passa mais as pessoas que amamos sempre ficam de alguma forma,e vc ficou .eu amo vc


can't believe he's just... gone. gone forever.

ele era tão ... tão lindo . sentirei MUITO , sua falta Heath ♥ todos meus sentimentos e apoio para a famíla do Heath , Mariana,14 - Brasil

Why? Please, why??? Júnior - Brazil

i can't believe ! it was so ... unespecting ! when i will see one of his movie, i will cry ...

i miss him sooo much i wish he was still here with us, im gutte ill never see hisgourgous smile ever agian and when i watch 1 of his movies i will cry ........ miss you so much heath xxx rip you can sleep now xxxxxxx

I remember when I first found Heath Ledger in 2003 when I watched A Knights Tale, I immedietly fell in love with him in the scene when he comes over the hill on his horse with his hair lokking lovely!!! I even had the movie poster up in my room. I cried last night when I found out and still can't believe that it is true. I keep thinking that it must be some sort of sick joke. Terrible Loss. Amazing person and this has shattered me. RIP you wonderful, gorgeous inspiration. xxx

What a horrible way of starting the day, hearing at 7am today that Heath Ledger had died... I mean, I didn't have posters of him on every wall and I couldn't have recited you the list of all the films he had starred in, but the incredible thing is, his death still leaves a little blank in my heart. Somehow, at some point, this very talented, very good-looking (oh the smile!) man managed to touch me, in a quiet way, leave a fingerprint on my heart and make it better than it was before.
Rest in Peace Heath, I'll pray for your family.

My heart goes out to his daughter and family. A talented actor with an amazing smile. May you rest in peace and your star shine from above.

can´t believe i´ll never see that incredibly talented acters gorgeous smile in peace

what a wonderful actor who never did any thing wrong in our eye's rest in peace.

such a shame .great actor and will be amazing joker ,love to his family at such a sad time .

Thank you for sharing yourself with us all.Your star was so powerful and brilliant. You will never be forgotten

" Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, but love leaves a memory no one can steal." You will always be remembered as a truly kind hearted and wonderful person.

you were fighting a battle to hard to fight alone,as they say the good die young

I am still in awe, that a talented man such as Heath is gone so heart goes out to his daughter, Matilda, and his extended family....Marie

You will be greatly missed..

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your life was short, but you gave so much to so will be missed.

Your son, your brother, your dad will be missed. Along with a thousand other people, I send my prayers. I hope that you can feel the love that people have for Heath and that it will give comfort to you in this time.

I was shocked...I am shocked
I can not believe this happend...he was so young and such a genius...but he was already one of the big thoughts go out to his family and friends...
WE will miss you but we will remember you forever...
Rest in Peace

In memoriam: Young, talented yet humble. Heath, you will be sorrowfully missed.

What a waste, your family is in my prayers

Waching you act was a great joy for me and I will never forget you.I love you.see you in heaven

Just a thank you for sharing your life with us, and sacrificing your privacy to entertain us. Your talent and smile will really be missed by me and I will always appreciate your memory. Gone way too soon, God bless you wherever you may be. All my best wishes to your family, and strength to accept this terrible loss.

You Will Be Missed, My Heart Goes out to your family

U were my favourite actor with the husky voice and charming smile...u will always be my fav. star and u will always live in my memory and my prayers...


This tradgic accident has left us all in shock and truly sad. My heart goes out to your parents and lovely daughter. May you rest in peace.

May your beautiful daughter know how wonderful you were and how much you were loved. You were a talent beyond others. You and your family are in my heart and prayers. Rest with angels, young soul.

Wow, I still can't believe it. He was such a talented young actor with big things ahead. My heart goes out to his family and especially to Michelle and baby Matilda. He had so much more to offer, but as they say, God works in mysterious ways and maybe he had bigger plans for him. It is still very tragic and heart breaking. What a beautifully talented man. My prayers are with his family & friends.

"Nothing left to say... just that you were my age... too young to die my friend... May you and your family find peace"

this is to the family of Heath. We are sorry for the loss of you son,brother,and friend. We wish he was still with us but we know he is in gods hands now. he was the best actor around and my thoughts are with you while you grieve.
god bless you all
we'll miss you Heath


There are so much words to say but I say just you always with us HEATH in our hearts

You were the best actor. You never let your fame control you. God Bless your soul.

Heath, you will be in my memories as a charismatic actor and heartthrob with a charming smile. :) There were so many other starring roles in store for you. I will miss seeing you in movies and seeing your smile. GodSpeed to you and your family, Heath....

a sad loss of a talented actor and a tragic waste of a young life. My thoughts go out to Heath's family and young daughter.There will be another star in heaven 2nite. RIP Heath, you will be missed.... xx

You were one of my best actors. I don't know what was troubling you but I pray that you are resting in peace and my prayers go out to your family. You will be very missed in this world. Leigh Ann

I send out my greatest sympothy to the family and Heath you will be truely missed.

God Bless You Heath. You were and are a shining star.

you were trully an insperation you will be missed by all of us fans world wide. you were taken to soon we will love you for ever Heath.
rest in peace Heath

He will be truly missed. R.I.P Heath God bless your family.

Rest in Peace
My God be with all the ones you love and you are in a better place, you are your daughter angel rest in peace.

May you be with tle Lord,great lost.Teresa

i'm so shocked by your passing and it still is sinking in. it's just so unbelieveable, such a beautiful young man and talented actor. you will be missed by millions. the movie that caught my eye was A KNIGHT'S TALE what a great movie. R.I.P. Heath
my thoughts and prayers go out to the family.

You were a young talented actor that passed away to soon, you will be missed, and i know your daughter will miss and she will not have the chance to know her father.

your passing is such a shock; like marilyn lost too soon from you loved ones. you were a great actor and an amazing person. you had a great smile and just a special presence about you. you will deeply missed. my prayers go out to your family and friends.

Heath, you will always be remembered as an icon to me!!! Godbless all who loved you, now you can truly watch over your beautiful little girl! you were an angel on earth, and now you are an angel in heaven! and yes you will live on through your daughter, Godbless, to everyone who is greiving for you may all the angels be with your parents, and your child. you are forever missed!!!

Now we'll never know how bright his star could have shone, thank you for that smile, although you gave it so briefly, we will never forget it. My prayers are with his family at this sad time x

My god, it's so shocking. May you rest in peace Heath and God bless your soul. You will be missed by millions. My heartfelt condolences to your family and especially your little girl. May she grow up with the fondest of memories of her daddy. I know for sure there will be brighter star in the sky. I will miss seeing you in the movies.
17 years agoBeautiful son and daughter.. You will be missed heath ! <3 R.I.P
17 years agoBeautiful picture!
17 years agocry ;(
17 years agobeautiful it's very sad i cry i don't know why because i don't know him but ... it's like that ...shit why him
17 years agoJ'en pleure encore aujourd'hui depuis son décès je n'arrive pas à m'en remettre je sais pas pourquoi, mais je suis très touché par sa dispartion il avait quelque chose d'extrement touchant je ressent un gros vide quel grosse perte. Très belle photo quand je pense que la jolie petite grandira sans son père ça me fond le coeur. Que tu trouve le repos éternel Heath je t'aime et merci.
17 years agoNie umiem wytlumaczyc dlaczego??? ale jest mi strasznie smutno .....dlaczego akurat jego to musialo spotkac.
17 years agoI think of my own daughter and her father looking at this picture and it makes my heart hurt for Matilda Rose. I hope she will grow up knowing her father touched so many people in his short life. Rest in Peace
17 years agoEven though you are not here in person to watch over your daughter Matilda. I know that you are up in heaven watching down on her everyday, protecting her and making sure that she is safe.