Mr Wright was one of the greatest musicians ever and should always be remembered. I hope his works are never forgotten. He deserves it. Wsh you were here

Mr Wright was one of the greatest musicians ever and should always be remembered. I hope his works are never forgotten. He deserves it. Wsh you were here

You'll never be forgotten Mr. Wright. Your music has been such a profound influence on my life, and you were a key inspiration in making me a musician. I aim to keep your spirit alive in my music. And man, you deserve so much more credit than you received. The greatest band of all time wouldn't have even come close without you. Rest in peace, my friend.

i juzt started reading his book.....they are very interesting...!!!!

i juzt started reading his book.....they are very interesting...!!!!

would u like to say something before u leave ...remember a day a day before today ...miss u like hell rick u were the corner stone of pink floyd ,now no more pink floyd, hard to say this,, makes me wanna cry

a great loss to music well respected and we are blessed that he was born

Gary Feb.17,2010
I'm a bit of a late bloomer as respects the music of Pink Floyd. I didn't start to seriously listen & enjoy the music of PF until the 80s. I am presently 50 yrs. old , and have come to love Pink Floyd. I have a PF license plate on my car as well as many PF stickers. It is with deepest sympathy that i express my heartfelt sympathy to the family & friends of Richard Wright. He will Not be forgotten as his & PF's music will live on as one of the best bands of all time.

My heart goes out to you and your family . what a great loss to the music industry. I , like so many people grew up with "The dark side of the moon " in my music collection. what a timeless album ! I even had the cover sleeve design on one of my motorcycles . I now live in eugene oregon , we have a giant football stadium called autzen , pink floyd was going to perform there but it was,nt big enough , so the concert never happened . thats how big pink floyd were. we have a tribute band play here , always draws a big crowd ! R.I.P.

I saw Pink Floyd playing during their sellout gigs in Earls Court 1996 I think it was. It was the best concert that I have ever been to. Rick was playing his best as were the other two lads. I'm sure he will be missed greatly. Their music makes my heart dance makes me laugh and cry. Miss you Rick .

It is a great loss to the world that you are gone. I can measure the periods of my life by what the Floyd were doing at the time. Ever since I bought DSOTM in 1973 I have been a fan, and when I took up the keyboards you were a huge inspiration and influence. Your keyboard playing was truly unique as was your soulful voice. I'm so glad we got a chance to see you again, playing with David Gilmour. My condolences to your family, friends, and all those who loved you.

I saw Pink Floyd in concert twice in the early 70's.
Didn't pay much attention to individual members except for Nick Mason (I am a drummer). Like I have often read, the musicians in Pink Floyd were not the type to take center stage. Maybe it is why there was always an advanced light show. Well now here I am some 30 years later and thinking how empty Echoes would sound without Richard Wright's wonderful sound.
Now Pink Floyd has lost its second member. Syd has been gone since 2006.
I have a sinking feeling now realizing Pink Floyd can never reunite with all the original members. Lets hope Syd and Richard are playing their own special music in a better place.

Richard Wright had a beautiful, gentle and melodic voice and he sang so well with David Gilmour. The songs that were sung by Wright and Gilmour (or just David Gilmour) were the best from Pink Floyd, and the songs that were written by Richard Wright alone such as See-Saw, Summer of '68, and Paintbox were unique and haunting. His keyboard playing was excellent and he could never be replaced. You are greatly loved and missed by many.
Lynda S. Nolan
Pittsburgh, Pa.

I seen you in 94 in atlanta,Ga.Pink Floyd will never be the sameWe miss you.

I believe those who have passed can get our messages so here's mine to you Rick. Thank you for adding contentment to my life. You seemed the most quiet and sensitive of Pink Floyd but your genius stood out clearly. Its a big shame that in this life the quiet achievers often don't get the recognition they deserve. I'll never forget you nor will your other fans. Perhaps when my time comes I can see you play live once again. Rest peacefully Rick.

You have been sensationell for the music of the last century.
Have met You the last time in Clam in Upper-Austria. Sensationell !!!
See You again, some Years later. didi

I have been a fan since the beginning! I'm 70 years young, drive a civic s-i with every c.d. the "floyd" has recorded. They keep my young, healthy-yes healthy--'cause I dance!!!! andhappy. Then last year I heard Rick had traveled on and my heart actually hurt. I think more now about his talent and love for his art than his passing . I think he'd like he'd like to see the Floyd continue, although he knows his orignal approch to music will probably never be duplicated. I was lucky enough to attend many of their concerts including the free one in Hyde Park.....I will love THE FLOYD for the rest of my life. Thank All Of You for putting the music in my soul

I remember seeing Rick with the best band in the world in 1979 at knebworth it was the best day of my life you will be sadly missed you were the best keyboard player in the world rest in pearce

Your awesome rifs will always be remembered, It was indeed a sad day when Pink Floyd's Music Died.

Thanks for giving us the best of the best in organ. Your quit, graceful persona and
commit to music making
Special thanks for re-uniting with Gilmour and giving us more of yourself to carry us through now that you have left us.
We BREATHE for you now, Robb Brush,Lake Oswego, OR


J'ai rencontré Floyd en 1968, j'avais 11 ans.Depuis, il m'a accompagné tout au long de ma vie. Musique refuge, musique de prémonition, musique de fetes, union cosmique de l'esprit et de la musique.J'ai vu Floyd 7 fois, et j'aurais aimé le voir encore, mais Rick n'étant plus là, le Floyd s'arrête, mais ne s'éteint pas.
Que ton corps repose en paix, et que ton ame continue à composer la musique qui nous accueillera, one of this day, dans ton nouveau monde................

1974 The whole band was there. With Roger Waters. Your very spacey solos are part of my forever memory of Pink Floyd.

I have been a Pink Floyd fan since 1978 when I heard "Animals." Your parts in "Dogs," "Pigs, and "Sheep" best define your place in Pink Floyd. It is too bad that the album remained obscure, compared to the others (Dark Side, Wish you were here, The Wall), but it merits equal raise. Well, you may be absent in the physical world (joining Syd on his eternal tour of "Astronome Domine" with your part on keyboards), but you definitely come alive when I get my weekly dosage of Pink Floyd when listening to my Pink Floyd records, CDs, and DVD. :-))) Thank you for making my listening experience of Pink Floyd the best. Although there are many great rock bands, there is no other like Pink Floyd, and most likely there will not be one in the future either. Rest in peace, we all miss you!

I remember their one and only show in Auckland, New Zealand in 1988 very well. The music of Richard Wright and Pink Floyd in particular has written itself to my DNA -- it really is that important to me. When they played at 'LIVE 8' in 2005: I wept. It's as though, somehow, I knew that these great men would never be together again in my lifetime. I still hold out a slim hope that Roger, Dave and Nick will play one, final 2-or-3 hour concert as a salute to Syd and Rick -- and as a farewell coda to us fans who have loved them and their music all these decades. How about it , Sirs? I know that without Rick, you CANNOT make new Pink Floyd music now, it would be virtually impossible. But even though any concert would sorely miss him, could you PLEASE come out in tribute, one very last time...?

i hope pink floyd doesnt try to replace one can fill his floyd lost a great family member..a great lose to music all together...

When I saw Pink Floyd live it was missing Roger Waters. But I remember the face of Richard Wright so well - it was kind, and had a vulnerability I found touching. His voice also had a soft sense to it, and I can't imagine any Pink Floyd records without him. Sleep well, sweet prince of the keyboards.

Laurence (Philippines)
I have been your fan since late 70's. Until now, almost everyday I keep on listening your unequal composition and performance. Actually there is no dark side of the moon. He He. Anyway Rick rest in peace and we will be jamming when my time comes also. To your beloved family, condolence

because without you, I'll never be able to see the world's most unbelievably talented band in concert again. Wonderful memories of your concerts and proudly included in your Delicate Sound video (great camera guy!); rest in peace Rick; you are sorely missed

I have been a Pink Floyd band since 12, and know at 44, love their music more than ever. Rick contribution to the Floyd's music is beautiful and profound. I dont think the Floyd's lavish sound would have been the same without him. Go in peace Rick, you are in the hearts and minds of millions of fans

El primer día de tu cumpleaños sin tí, pero siempre estas presente,, desde el cielo apaga tus 66 velitas. Yo te estaré apalaudiendo. Las estrellas brillan mas aun, desde Argentina, quiero gritarte y pedirte que vuelvas por favor.
María Cecilia Capdevila

Rick,siempre estaras en mi corazon,nunca te olvidaré.Fuiste,sos y serás mi gran amor. Descansa, allá nos encontraremos.
María Ceclia Capdevila

Only saw you once, never knew you but I feel I-ve lost a good friend as your music lives inside me and thererfore a part of me died when you sadly passed away.
See you in the great gig in the sky.

Having been overseas for several months, I only just found out that Rick Wiright passed away late last year after reading an article un the GUITAR magazine which has Gilmour on the cover - its very sad when someone dies when it seemed to me that Rick was recently re-invigorating his musical creativity.
If you listen to the early Pink floyd material there is a common thread that permeated the style of the music and that was Rick's keyboard playing - that droning space like stuff that provided the back drop for all sorts of layered additions by the other memebers of the band.
Wish You Were Here just wouldnt be the same wihout it and several tracks like US and THEM and the great gig tipped the album Dark side of the Moon into the classice status.
Its a reminder for us all to cherish the time we have left in this world rather than squander it with petty polimical irrelevancies.

Sir Ozzy, thank you for your last sentence. If everyone just chilled out a little and spent more time listening to some quality music (I type this with David Gilmour singing in my ear!), the world would be a much better place. Peace out. Debbie

To the man who was truly the heart & soul of Floyd. May you sing with the celestial voices you brought to all of us.

Only saw Floyd once In 1988 and the concert was brilliant . I have been a floyd Fan for 30+ years. Richard Wright's Passing is a sad reminder that we are all mortal.He will be sadly missed. my condolences to his close friends and especially to his wife and children
Thank you for the music
Goodbye Rick

This song has always affected me, and Richard you wrote the most beaurtiful song on Dark Side of the Moon. Thankyou for the music and God bless.

richard was a member of one of the greatest bands and still is .you are on the dark side of the moon we all hold a candle for you forever and my condolences go out to your family and all your friends

Seeing you in Pink Floyd live twice in 1994, in France and the UK....what memories....
You were the quiet one, musically talented with your jazz influenced keyboard playing with a unique singing voice. Seeing you on David Gilmour's On an Island showed your jazz influence in the keyboard imporvisation during 'Echoes' - superb playing!
Definetely was my favorite Floyd member.....Pink Floyd is over now.....your music will live on
Say hi to Syd

We will never forget you. A sad day for the world's music.

An quiet,dignified and amazingly talented artist.
Forever in my memories.Look forward to hearing that"Great Gig In The Sky"
Good night Rick,sleep peacefully

From the beginning to the end, you were the best. RIP PEACE & LOVE

Thanks Richard for the great music that you have contributed for nearly all through my life. I thank you. Hope to see you on the Light side of the moon.

If anyone knows what Rainbow Bridge is just look it up. Rick has passed on over that bridge.From one Brit to anouther, See you .on the Other side of the Bridge

Merci., 1000 mercis...De si belles envolées... Triste de me dire que cela appartient désormais au passé.
Maintenant, ce sont le anges qui planent...Vous allez me manquer...

an integral member of pink floyd and with your passing you leave behind a legacy of truly amazing music, the sound of your hammond organ still still resonates with me today and always will until i join you wherever you are, and the likes of which we are unlightly to hear again, gone but certainly not forgotten, you are and always will be a true legend so keep shinin', may you rest in peace, thanks for everything.....

An amazing artist, i will be forever in your debt for giving the gift of your music with a truly fantastic band. A band full of great artists you held your own and i still get tingles from the sound of your hammond organ. I sincerley hope your in rock and roll heaven jammin with some of the greats. May you rest in peace and my wishes to your family sarge

pink floyd music will never be matched again .my regret is i never saw pink floyd live and now i never will .rick you will be a big talent really missed hope to see you on the dark side of the moon.

I will never forget looking at you through my binoculars as you played the opening chords of "Shine On You Crazy Diamond", it sent chills through me. Keep shinning Rick!

i have never seen pink floyd live, but your music will stay with me forever. you will be greatly missed. my thoughts are with your family...shineone you crazy diamond.

Rick, your music has seen me through the very best and the very worst of times. It has played a big part in making me the person that I am today. I am very sad today, something very special is missing and always will be. Thank you so much for everything. See you on the dark side of the moon. truly capture my imagination when I was only 6 years old! I'll never forget the sunny afternoon my sister came home with her brand new copy of Dark Side of the Moon and how I was immediately enthralled by it, and how my sister lovingly showed the sleeve art and explained what a prism was....Later when I took up playing the guitat Wish You Were Here became my nearly exclusive prcatice record as played along with you and Dave and still sometimes do to this day! David Gilmour is a very fortunate soul to have had you as a friend and musical partner for so many years! God Bless You, you dead gentle soul and may rest in the eternal peace of the music of your dreams in the Arms of the Almighty forevermore...Down here you are sorely missed.

One hundred years from now, Rick will be still there. It's amazing how he dedicated his life to entertain us. Evervything does not fit anymore. Rick loved
Donna Z
15 years agoHe was a quiet man with alot of talent. He will be missed. Sometimes I think his playing was so flawless people didn't know how talented he was. I think if you listened to Pink Floyd without his playing there would be such a hole in their music. He was a composer of great rock songs. He was an artist and his keyboards were his canvas. He will be missed and loved by all. I